Monday, September 30, 2019

Your LT1 Exam will be on Thursday 10/10
Here is the Review Guide


You will have tomorrow as a writing block. Do whatever you need to tonight to prep yourself for that. 


Friday, September 27, 2019


Click Here for Do Now form

Honors: Complete outline or some other organizational planning document for your paper
CP: complete two boxes of your paper planning organizer

Here are relevant documents for this assignment
The CP Assignment (3-5 pages) document is here:
CP Assignment
Reconstruction was a turbulent time in US History. In this paper your task is to focus in on one specific aspect of reconstruction. What was the significance of this event? How did it impact people and change the course of history?
If you find strong sources - please add them to this document and use approved sources from this document. I will periodically review sources and eliminate ones that aren't good.

The Honors Assignment (4-7 pages) document is here: 
Honors Assignment

Please add strong sources in the format provided, add initials to all posts. I will periodically review sources and eliminate ones that aren't good.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

Grades should now be accurate

There are a couple of people who didn't send digital submissions of the LT-graded assignment who may have work currently sitting in the inbox - I will check and update those folks grades in the morning.


Topic Assignments
Jim Crow - Maurice, Ariane, Anthony, Jose
Lynching - Matthew, Jalen, Vivica, Javier, Kinara
Freedman's Bureau - Taysha, Ziarre, Nino
Plessy v. Ferguson - Elissa
Lincoln's Assassination - Zoey
KKK - Lennox, Lejuan
Compromise of 1877 - Thomas

1) Police Brutality & Lynching Ajeliz, Nevaeh, Genesis, Lydia, Talisa, Yoliany, Kendrick, Jesse
2) Voting Rights Cashea
3) Segregation. Izanaje, Nadhir, Ashir
4) Politics & government Maddie, Brayan, Kendrick
5) Incarceration Brian, Josh, Deziray
6) Public Schools Dilean, Alex

1) Police / Lynching Travon, Yesssiyahhhhh, Ah,lahnie, Air-iolin, Shhhania,  Anglis
2) Voting Rights - Aye-den
3) Segregation - Pamkam
4) Politics & Gov - SpeedVagen, DeV, Taylord
5) Incarceration A-a-ron, Angi, Jeremiah,
6) Public Schools Karen-A, Eesah, DDorn, Etynz

Jim Crow Chris, Janiel, Gabe, Brady, Zy
Lynching Caelan, Brianna, Janae
F.Bureau Tavoy
Plessy Joseph
Lincoln Karelys, Tamara
KKK David, Rashel, Natalie, Kyra
Southern Democrats Jacob
Johnson's Presidency Carlos, Savione
Compromise of 1877 Erica, Zion
Black Politicians during Reconstruction Jaylen, Alliyah

Monday 9/23

The Week of 9/23-9/27

Monday - decide on your topic. Spend 20 minutes exploring the shared document & complete THIS GOOGLE FORM for CP ONLY identifying your top 3 choices. (Honors, please select your top 2)
Tuesday: Find 5-10 resources on your chosen paper topic
Wednesday: Complete 3+ of your research pages
Thursday: Complete 8 of your research pages
Friday: Honors: Create an outline or some other organizational planning document for your paper
CP: complete two boxes of your paper planning organizer

This week we're beginning work on our very first ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING - which focuses on....

  • Learning Target 1: I can critique the process and effects of post-war "Reconstruction"
  • ST1 I can analyze and evaluate complex texts
  • ST2 I can clearly convey ideas and information through effective organization

Here are relevant documents for this assignment
The CP Assignment (3-5 pages) document is here:
CP Assignment
Reconstruction was a turbulent time in US History. In this paper your task is to focus in on one specific aspect of reconstruction. What was the significance of this event? How did it impact people and change the course of history?
If you find strong sources - please add them to this document and use approved sources from this document. I will periodically review sources and eliminate ones that aren't good.

Research Collection Doc 
Paper organizing doc (CP)

The Honors Assignment (4-7 pages) document is here: 
Honors Assignment

Please add strong sources in the format provided, add initials to all posts. I will periodically review sources and eliminate ones that aren't good.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday / Friday

Today's classwork will be focused on The Compromise of 1877. You'll be getting a hard copy of the reading and the comic strip squares template. But here are the digital copies in case you lose them or were absent.
Compromise of 1877
Comic Template

Your task is to do the following.......
1) Read the article
2) Evaluate the article and determine what the most important aspects are, which are necessary to explain the compromise of 1877.
3) Choose the top 6 "scenes" from the reading that would best tell the story
4) Use the comic template to write out your captions and draw your scenes (rough draft)

Homework: Complete Final Draft of Compromise of 1877 Comic (see link above)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Thursday 9/20

DLT: I can assess the origins and actions of the “first” Ku Klux Klan following the Civil War.


Download this tracking document for note-taking throughout today's look at the KKK. After each round, record: what new information or insights do you gain about the KKK from this reading? Add notes to your tracking document.

Think / Write / Pair / Share

What do you know about the Ku Klux Klan – who were they, what did they do, why did they exist? Think about anything that you know about them and write it into the first box.

1) Reading KKK Overview from American Experience

2) Video Overview of the KKK

3) Primary Sources (choose one to read, and if there is time, read as many as you are able in the time given)

Primary Source 1 1872 testimony of Abram Colby, an African American legislator from Georgia,

Primary Source 2 [Severely disabled, Rev. Elias Hill was an influential Baptist minister in the vicinity of Clay Hill, York county, a schoolteacher and president of the local Union League. He gave the following testimony after being whipped by the Klan]:

Primary Source 3 In the excerpt from the 1871 Congressional inquiry below, the Ku Klux Klan attacks a white man who was not necessarily a Republican, but who had simply tried to help his black neighbors.

HOMEWORK: 1 Page writing assignment synthesizing map interactive work due tomorrow (GRADE FOR LT1)

/// More Info: US v. Harris finds KKK Act of 1971 to be Unconstitutional (in 1882)

Monday, September 16, 2019

MONDAY nine sixteen

Today we look at the 13th, 14th, & 15th amendments. Paper copy in class.

Homework: Choose one of the amendments and try to find a recent (from the last year) article that refers to or discusses that amendment. Write down article name / date / title + a 1-2 sentence summary / gist statement

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday the 13th

Image result for friday the 13th gif

Homework: Complete reading on the Freedman’s Bureau. Written response: What aspects of the freedman’s bureau may you have incorporated into your own reconstruction plan? What would you have not included? Why?

Online Interactive Writing Assignment Due Next Wednesday

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


This is the online bit you'll be using for the next couple of days. Notes on notecatcher. These maps are based off of census data and the idea is that it will help us understand the situation in the south before and after Reconstruction. Be thorough with your notes - it will help inform your group work on your reconstruction plans AND there will be a writing assignment afterwards that will count as an LT grade.

Homework: Andrew Johnson notes due tomorrow. All maps / notes will be due by Friday (you'll have tomorrow's class to work on this)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday 9/10

Class work:

Following our overview of informationwanted


Article II Section IV

"The Road to Impeachment" interactive

Using this text, create a notes set, taking a 1-sentence summary of each slide.

Homework: Read &  Familiarize yourself with the text of the 13-15th amendments. 
Complete notes from online presentation. One-sentence gist statement per slide.
Example for first two slides:
Johnson takes over after assassination as a pro-union southerner with typical views on race
Congress doesn’t like the lack of Johnson’s “radical Republican” beliefs.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Monday 9/9

Today in class, both Honors and CP sections complete their baseline skills assessment for all 3 skills targets. If you missed it, please stay after during office hours to make it up.

There is no homework tonight.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday September 5th

Today we examined the "Black Codes" primary source doc

Informationwanted .org
Choose 3 stories you find on here. Jot down one high impact detail from each. What does it tell you about the experience of many African-Americans once slavery was abolished?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday September 4th

Today we read through Lincoln, Johnson, and a few congressional plans for Reconstruction

Carpetbaggers & Scalawags reading.
Write out your best definition of a “scalawag” and a “carpetbagger” at the bottom of each page. If any classwork incomplete, please finish.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuesday 9/3

Draft your proposal with supporting evidence: What should we do in order to recover from the Civil War: Build your Own Reconstruction Plan. 1 Page.

Basically, explain your group's plan for reconstruction that you worked out together in class, in a well-crafted page. Doing this in one large block paragraph is totally fine. Be sure to include the problems, the actors, and your planned solution. I'll be looking at ST2: I can clearly convey ideas and information through effective organization

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...