Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday 3/31

Greetings grade 11,

I see that I have 12 of you who have had an opportunity to look through the site I posted yesterday. Great! I'm going to hold off on assigning anything else for now and see if I get anyone else to complete that work.

One thing everyone should do -- if your crew teacher has not reached out to you, shoot them an email. I know for me there were some of my crew members who I did not have an email for. Regular crew check-ins should be starting this week so make sure that you're connected with your teacher so you can participate.

Teachers have been video-chat meeting with one another trying to collaborate and be consistent with what we're asking for and how much work we're providing you, and with what frequency. The idea is that each class will be posting new work on Monday that should be the equivalent of 2 class periods of work. Please feel free to reach out on remind or text my google number if you have any questions.

In addition to trying to provide you all with some remote learning experiences, I'm also trying to figure out how to teach my pre-schooler. Wish me luck. 😂

KEEP washing your hands
DON'T touch your face
COVER coughs and sneezes
KEEP disinfecting touch surfaces in your home
KEEP social distancing (STAY HOME)

Mass COVID-19 Daily Updates Here

Center for Disease Control Site on COVID-19

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...