Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday 12/12


Today's Prohibition Presentation

Steps for writing your song:


Sample Lyrics (to the tune of "Jingle Bells")

1. Pick a popular song - what songs are popular? which do you like and know well? which have an easy melody to put words to?

2. Pick a prohibition topic - maybe a particular group or person, the amendments, mobsters, or just prohibition itself!

3. Write some sentences that go with your topic - remember to include at least 5 words from the word bank!

4. Put your lyrics to the melody! (or beat, or whatever)

5. Get ready to perform! Practice so you can show us what you've got tomorrow 😎

If you're feeling stuck:

More info on prohibition:
Carry Nation

Prohibition era songs:
About Prohibition- era Songs & more info
Alcoholic Blues
The Moon Shines on the Moonshine
De Brewer's Big Hosses

Word bank:

  • Volstead Act
  • Anti-Saloon League/ Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
  • Mobsters
  • Speakeasies
  • Bootleggers
  • Carrie Nation
  • Drys v. Wets
  • Liquor tax
  • Reformer
  • Distillery
Example prohibition rap:

Helpful clarifications from a newspaper at the time:
You may drink intoxicating liquor in your own home or in the home of a friend when you are a bona fide guest.
You may buy intoxicating liquor on a bona fide medical prescription of a doctor. A pint can be bought every ten days.
You may consider any place you live permanently as your home. If you have more than one home, you may keep a stock of liquor in each.
You may keep liquor in any storage room or club locker, provided the storage place is for the exclusive use of yourself, family or bona fide guests.
You may get a permit to move liquor when you change your residence.
You may manufacture, sell or transport liquor for non-beverage or sacramental purposes provided you obtain a Government permit.
You cannot carry a hip flask.
You cannot give away or receive a bottle of liquor as a gift.
You cannot take liquor to hotels or restaurants and drink it in the public dining room.
You cannot buy or sell formulas or recipes for homemade liquors.
You cannot ship liquor for beverage use.
You cannot store liquor in any place except your own home.
You cannot manufacture anything above one half of one percent (liquor strength) in your home.
You cannot display liquor signs or advertisements on your premises.

You cannot remove reserve stocks from storage.

1920s 'Slang Dictionary'

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thurs 12/12/19

Do Now:

  • Sit with your partner or group
  • Set up laptops
  • Download 1 google doc (below) per group

Eugenics Google Doc
  • DOWNLOAD 1 copy for each group to edit
  • After editing document - share or email document to us ( and


Do Now Slides

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday 12/11

Slides from Class Presentation

Do Now: Read this, write down 3 reactions / thoughts in your notebook

A Harvard Geneticist Wants to Make a DNA-Based Dating App

In some kind of alternate dystopian universe, it could eliminate genetic disease

Dating apps can pair you up with potential soulmates based on just about anything: your height preferences, age, religion, “soul signature,” etc. Now, a famed Harvard geneticist wants to throw DNA into the algorithm.
In a recent 60 Minutes interview, geneticist George Church revealed he wants to create a dating app that would match users based on their genetic compatibility — i.e., their likelihood of not passing on genetic diseases to their future offspring.
The idea, said Church, would be to eliminate genetic diseases by only matching up genetically compatible couples. If you think back to high school biology, you may recall that two healthy individuals could end up passing along genetic diseases to their offspring if they both carry the same recessive trait. Church’s dating app would seek to prevent this by not pairing up two carriers of such traits.
“You’re suggesting that if everyone has their genome sequenced and the correct matches are made, that all of these diseases could be eliminated?” asked correspondent Scott Pelley.
“Right,” said Church. “You wouldn’t find out who you’re not compatible with,” he added. “You’ll just find out who you are compatible with.”
It’s an ambitious plan of course, one that would ultimately require a decidedly dystopian restructuring of society in which every human on Earth were forced to undergo genome sequencing, register for the same dating app, and only procreate with people they matched with on said dating app.
Then again, given the current pre-apocalyptic state of the world today, maybe a terrifyingly dystopian DNA dating app isn’t actually such a far-fetched idea after all. And hey, if we’re going to end up in a dystopian hellscape anyway, might as well eradicate genetic disease, right?

Eugenics Archive (classwork)

Work for Wednesday
LINK: Eugenics Archive (for class partner work) (click "MENU of Virtual Exhibits" and then click your assigned topic)

1) Create a summary, including key terms from your section to share with the class
2) Find, within your section, examples of TRADITION and CHANGE, or TENSION within the 1920s society
3) Respond to your section-specific questions below

Social Origins of Eugenics
a. What was happening in the US that allowed Eugenics to develop?
b. How did CLASS and NATIVISM play into this new science?
Janiel, Karelys // Taysha & Ziarre // Jesse & Josh // Shea & Aiden

Scientific Origins of Eugenics
a. What were the differences between the two branches of eugenics ("positive" & negative)?
b. What was the role of steritilzation within Eugenics?
Jaedyn, Tavoy // Javi & Kaleb // Yoliany & Ajeliz / Pam & Devon & Aiden

Eugenics Research Methods
a. What types of things did families get "scored" on?
b. What was the range of people Eugenicists did their research on?
Alliyah, Brianna // Vivica & Zoey // Cashea & Kendrick // Jesaiah & Jeremaiah

Traits Studied by Eugenecists
a. What types of "human problems" were studied by Eugenicists?
b. What types of traits made up "intelligence" and "behavioral" characteristics?
Caelan & Faith // Kyra & Brady // Ariane & Jalen // Talisa & Nevaeh // Aaron & Arilyn

Flaws in Eugenics Research
a. Desribe each of the 5 fatal flaws of Eugenics Research
Carlos & Chris // Lajuan & Lennox // Genesis & Lydia // Taylor & Anglis

Eugenics Popularization
a. What policies gained popularity through Eugenics & how?
b. What happened in Springfield??
Jacob & Joseph // Yeisylie & Elissa // Ashir & Brayan // Eric & Isa

Eguenics Laws Against Race Mixing (Marriage Laws)
a. What is Miscegenation and why did Eugenicists see it as a problem?
b. Explain Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924
c. What happened in Loving v. Virginia
Janae, Zyhir // Maurice & Anthony // Brian & Alex // Alanie & Angie

Eugenic Sterilization Laws
a. Who was sterilized and why?
b. What happened in the Carrie Buck case and what was its significance?
Erica & Jaylen // Rashel & David // Kristian & Matt // Maddie & Dilean & Deziray // Donte &McKylely

Eugenic Laws Restricting Immigration
a. What different groups pressured for immigration restriction and why?
b. How did Laughlin's efforts help bring about the restrictive Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, and what was the President's reaction to it?
Natalie & Gabe & Brady // Jose & Nathan // Nino & Kinara // Izanaje & Nadhir // Shania & Danielle

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday 12/5


Harlem Renaissance Slides <-- Today's Lecture Notes

Harlem Renaissance Bio Mini-Poster (see back of room for examples)
Partial-Class work time Tues/Wed/Thurs and due Monday

Harlem Renaissance Authors, Actors, Artists, Musicians
note: these lists aren't perfect or comprehensive, and there is some overlap

Harlem Renaissance Mini-Poster <-Assignment starting today

Lettering Samples

Ads from the 1920s - google images


Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North -- Interview with Isabel Wilkerson - Author of "The Warmth of Other Suns"


"They made a choice that they were not going to live under the system into which they were born anymore and in some ways, it was the first step that the nation's servant class ever took without asking."

While taking notes on this interview, consider the following questions....

What were the causes of the Great Migration?

What types of experiences did people have in trying leave, and once they arrived in their new homes? How were they received by the people already living there?

How did this migration change America forever?

How did the stories of the individuals the author focus on help tell the story / help you understand this time period and what America was like at the time in the North and in the South?

Devon - Louis Armstrong
Aaron - W.E.B. DuBois
Jesaiah - Jellyroll Morton
Cam - Henry Tanner
Alanie - Josephine Baker
Mckylely - Duke Ellington
Eric - Langston Hughes
Dorn - Aaron Douglas
Shania - Bill Robinson
Pam - Ethel Waters
Isa - Zora
Angie - Sterling Brown
Trey - Fats Waller
Taylor - Gwendelyn Bennet
Jeremiah - Paul Robeson
Aiden - Willie Smith
Anglis - Angelina Weld Grimke

Carlos - Duke Ellington
Faith - Alain Locke
Brady  - Cab Calloway
Erica - Bessie Smith
Jaylen - Marcus Garvey
Tamara - Fats Waller
Tavoy - Adelaide Hall
Chris - James P Johnson
Joseph - Jacob Lawrence
Rashel - James Van Der Zee
David - Zora Neal Hurston
Zion - Paul Robeson
Janae - Josephine Baker
Savione - Langston Hughes
Brianna - James Weldon JOhnson
Karelys - Claude McKay
JAniel - Countee Cullen
JAcob - Bill Robinson
Natalie - Augusta Savage
Gabe - Louis Armstrong
Caelan - Gwendolyn Bennet
Alliyah - Laura Wheeler Waring
Zyhir - Arna Bontemps
Jaedyn - Chick Webb
Kyra -  Florence Mills


Ziarre - Zora Neal Hurston
Taysha - Madame CJ Walker
Kaleb - Fats Waller
JAvier - Cab Calloway
Vivica - Josephine Baker
Yeisylie - Gwendolyn Bennet
Lajuan - Duke Ellington
Jalen - Claude McKay
Elissa - James Van Der Zee
Ariane - Langston Hughes
Maurice - Marcus Garvey
Anthony - Paul Robeson
Matthew - Jelly Roll Morton
Kristian - Louis Armstrong
Nathan - James Weldon Johnson
Lennox - W.E.B. DuBois
Zoey - Walter White
Nino - Florence Mills
Kinara - Lois Jones

Jesse - Jelly Roll Morton
Brayan - Fats Waller
Joshua - Langston Hughes
Ajeliz - Nicholas Brothers
Nevaeh - WEB DuBois
Cashea - Duke Ellington
Talisa - Lois Jones
Genesis - Dorothy West 
Ashir - Palmer Hayden
Alex - Claude McKay
Brian - Elizabeth Catlett
Deziray - Zora Neale Hurston
Maddie - Cab Calloway
Dilean - Adelaide Hall
Nadhir - Paul Robeson
Izanaje - Josephine Baker 
Kendrick - Marcus Garvey 
LJRS - Charles White
Yoliany - Madame CJ Walker

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...