Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday 2/28

Honors Homework
Read these two articles and respond in 1 page. What do the circumstances of Emmett Till's murder tell us about social conduct between black and white southerners at the time, about the justice system, and also, what personal reactions do you have, considering the new information in the second article particularly?

Emmett Till Murder Trial: Selected Testimony

Woman Linked to 1955 Emmett Till Murder Tells Historian Her Claims Were False

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday 2/24

Do Now:  Please respond to all SURVEY QUESTIONS

In class today, we free-write for 8 minutes writing out "the story of American Civil Rights" based on our own memories ONLY of learning about this or hearing about it in the past.

Guiding Questions for free write

  1. Who were the key people of the Civil Rights movement? (write a list out)
    1. What are these people remembered for? 
  2. What are important events from the Civil Rights movement?
    1. Were these events successful?  If so, how did they change American society?
  3. Is America in need of another Civil Rights movement?  Or would a ‘movement’ be too much? Why or why not? Be specific in your answer.

Your job with this document is to text-code it using the following markings:
underline information you included in your summary
star important information you should have included and
maybe used to know but forgot about
highlight important information you didn’t know before
circle information you want to know more about
At the end of the article there were questions to be answered for homework

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Image result for valentines day meme

for your end of target reflection, please type and upload to powerschool. 

You're welcome to "save a copy" of the google doc and type your response as separate paragraphs under each of the questions. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday 2/11

Today we focused on Women & the War Effort of WWII.

Your homework is a written paragraph.

Homework: In the space provided, please write your follow-ups to the discussion questions you took notes on above during your small group discussion in class.. This can be reflective writing, so “I statements” are okay, but please try to keep it in a well-structured paragraph.

Notecatcher from today


Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday 2/10

*Write your final hypothesis to answer the internment question in the packet, taking in information from all sources*

Start reviewing for the test on Friday

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Icy Thursday two six

Le Do now

Le Homework: Write 1 page using at least 20 of your MCTs (highlight or underline them) responding to the following prompt: From the perspective of a black soldier fighting in WWII, write a LETTER to President Roosevelt explaining 1) the struggles facing you and your fellow African-American soldiers, 2) what needs to change & 3) why this should matter to white Americans as well (who at the time made up 89.8% of the US population, vs. only 9.8% being black).

Readings & notecatcher

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Monday 2/3/20

Greetings Students!

As you can see, I'm not here. Here's the plan for today.....

Based on my observations from last week, some of you have been very productive and others have not, which likely means you're in different places depending on your accomplishments last week (and what you did additionally this weekend for homework).

This video is short and hopefully helpful in telling the "story" of the New Deal. We can watch this together before diving into our work for today.

 Here are the reminders & expectations. You can determine what you need to do based on where you fall on this list currently.

Step 1: Research your topic! (the assignment sheet can be found in the link below)
[additional directions and steps can be found here, especially if you're stuck, uncertain what to do, or missed a day of class]
Step 2: Fill out your notes into the organizer which is the last page of the assignment packet (please note: SOME topics only impact a specific place, but most topics you will be able to find a local connection. It may require being a little creative.)
Step 3: Once you've completed your organizer, start writing out your "elevator pitch." There may be some work time in class tomorrow, but not likely to get the entire class period.
Step 4: Rehearse / time your presentation to make sure it's about a minute long.


Watch New Deal Crash Course Video. Make a T-Chart of New Deal Successes & Failures based on the video

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...