Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes (NEW LINK)
All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "RECEIVED" or "NOT RECEIVED" for quarter 4.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday 3/31

Greetings grade 11,

I see that I have 12 of you who have had an opportunity to look through the site I posted yesterday. Great! I'm going to hold off on assigning anything else for now and see if I get anyone else to complete that work.

One thing everyone should do -- if your crew teacher has not reached out to you, shoot them an email. I know for me there were some of my crew members who I did not have an email for. Regular crew check-ins should be starting this week so make sure that you're connected with your teacher so you can participate.

Teachers have been video-chat meeting with one another trying to collaborate and be consistent with what we're asking for and how much work we're providing you, and with what frequency. The idea is that each class will be posting new work on Monday that should be the equivalent of 2 class periods of work. Please feel free to reach out on remind or text my google number if you have any questions.

In addition to trying to provide you all with some remote learning experiences, I'm also trying to figure out how to teach my pre-schooler. Wish me luck. 😂

KEEP washing your hands
DON'T touch your face
COVER coughs and sneezes
KEEP disinfecting touch surfaces in your home
KEEP social distancing (STAY HOME)

Mass COVID-19 Daily Updates Here

Center for Disease Control Site on COVID-19

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday! March 30!

Greetings 11th Graders,

With a little over month left in our anticipated shutdown, the school has continued working hard to organize for you all to have work to help you progress forward with your educational journey. We hope you and your families are well. Here are a few updates:

New Renaissance COVID-19 Schoolwork Website Launched 
This is the "home base" for all Renaissance work. As you see when you click 11th grade, it is basically just going to send you here for most core academics. See the link above for your work for the following classes:

  • Latin (Holland)
  • Art (Gilchrist)
  • P.E. (LeTellier)
  • ELA (Figueroa-Acevedo)
  • Guidance Virtual Tour
  • SAT Practice
  • Math (Egbert)
It is possible I may migrate all work from the course blog over to that site to centralize things, I have just not had a chance to do so yet. 



  • This week I finished reading John Lewis' MARCH book 1, which is an autobiographical graphic novel. It was amazing and I look forward to reading books 2 & 3. John Lewis was one of the most prominent members of SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) which was the most significant youth organization during the Civil Rights Movement. There is a site called SNCC digital, which is gives a variety of resources about the history of the organization. 
  • The Link: The Story of SNCC
  • Over the course of this week, your assignment is to either 1) watch the lecture video at the link above, or 2) read through all sub-stories under "The Story of SNCC" (so from the Intro & "Winds of Change" through "Legacy")
  • Once you've read this, please respond to the following questions
This week, teachers will also be meeting with one another pretty extensively with ZOOM, which may interrupt my daily videos. Once I figure out what exactly all of that looks like, I'll re-evaluate how frequently I'm posting video check-ins. 

Also, teacher digital office hours and  crew meetings will be starting up this week. For now, my digital office hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am to 11am on REMIND. See previous post for class codes for signing up if you're not already there. 


Properties of Acids & Bases!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday 3/26

REMIND Reminders

Math: @ea44df

  • 11.1 @7db8c3
  • 11.2 @c6a9g92
  • 11.3 @deka78
  • 11.4 @agb822


Mrs. Druckenmiller has been stepping up her technology game while stuck in the house (and based on my quick glance, putting me to shame!). Presenting... her first youtube video!

pH and pOH calculations (whole numbers)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday 3/24

How do leaders respond in times of crisis? We've talked about Lincoln & Johnson during the Civil War and Reconstruction, Hoover & FDR during the Great Depression & attempts to remedy that crisis. 

The COVID-19 crisis seems like it is going to continue to impact our lives and provides a great challenge to American leadership. Every day the President has a COVID-19 briefing. I'd encourage you to watch them and see what you think. Here are a few resources you may want to check out to see how folks think he's doing handling the pressure.

The President isn't the only one facing pressure on his leadership. Congress also finds itself struggling to work together and pass a law to help support people and help the nation recover. Here are a few things to read about what each party is proposing as their solutions (though it doesn't seem either party plans on supporting the other parties bill. If that continues to be the case, we won't be seeing any legislation passed!)


Republicans Plan: Senate at impasse on trillion-dollar coronavirus package

Democrats Plan: How the House Democrats' stimulus plan compares to the Senate's

(will post Republican criticisms as the story progresses - their plan was just announced last night)

Reminder: There is a class set up for you 11th grade chem on Khan Academy.  
Please log in and join Ms. Druckenmiller's class (class code is MF86H9TB)  
She has assigned an article to read.  
She has also assigned a video (optional)  After you read the article please complete the google quiz 

Calendar Updates sent to teachers from Mrs. Coburn (last Sunday)


  • As of now MCAS does not have a rescheduled date.
  • SAT- College Board is canceling the May 2, 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) are also canceled.
  • Spirit Week- April 27-May 1
  • April 7 is currently our return day. We will have a modified schedule which will include extended time in Crew. 
  • Senior dates-New dates have not been updated!
  • Rooms are currently being disinfected and at this time teachers are NOT allowed to enter the building

As requested:

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...