Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday 3/24

How do leaders respond in times of crisis? We've talked about Lincoln & Johnson during the Civil War and Reconstruction, Hoover & FDR during the Great Depression & attempts to remedy that crisis. 

The COVID-19 crisis seems like it is going to continue to impact our lives and provides a great challenge to American leadership. Every day the President has a COVID-19 briefing. I'd encourage you to watch them and see what you think. Here are a few resources you may want to check out to see how folks think he's doing handling the pressure.

The President isn't the only one facing pressure on his leadership. Congress also finds itself struggling to work together and pass a law to help support people and help the nation recover. Here are a few things to read about what each party is proposing as their solutions (though it doesn't seem either party plans on supporting the other parties bill. If that continues to be the case, we won't be seeing any legislation passed!)


Republicans Plan: Senate at impasse on trillion-dollar coronavirus package

Democrats Plan: How the House Democrats' stimulus plan compares to the Senate's

(will post Republican criticisms as the story progresses - their plan was just announced last night)

Reminder: There is a class set up for you 11th grade chem on Khan Academy.  
Please log in and join Ms. Druckenmiller's class (class code is MF86H9TB)  
She has assigned an article to read.  
She has also assigned a video (optional)  After you read the article please complete the google quiz 

Calendar Updates sent to teachers from Mrs. Coburn (last Sunday)


  • As of now MCAS does not have a rescheduled date.
  • SAT- College Board is canceling the May 2, 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) are also canceled.
  • Spirit Week- April 27-May 1
  • April 7 is currently our return day. We will have a modified schedule which will include extended time in Crew. 
  • Senior dates-New dates have not been updated!
  • Rooms are currently being disinfected and at this time teachers are NOT allowed to enter the building

As requested:

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...