Monday, November 6, 2017

Marvelous Monday 11/6

Criteria for making a visually appealing and content-centered cover for your diary project...

[  ] colorful
[  ] well-organized
[  ] title (something along the lines of "immigration diary" "my immigration story" "notes on (character name)'s immigration)
[  ] include illustrations or printed images that connect to the content of your entries
[  ] well-chosen and appropriately sized lettering / font
[  ] your name, section, date, and learning target should be on the BACK cover
[  ] 8.5x11 folded - front cover/back cover
[  ] doesn't look too minimal or too cluttered
[  ] use of patterns could be a good option
[  ] leave 1/2 the space on the back cover for a brief reflection that we will add to that space once our entries are done

(option..... given the lack of progress over the weekend from about 90% of you, I am going to extend the following option forward. IF you are unwilling/unable to put in the efforts to find and interview someone yourself, you may use a minimum of 3 pre-recorded or written out interviews that were done by somebody else, and use that as the basis of your created character and your diary. If you choose this option, the best score you can receive is a 3)

I have reached out to staff and multiple people have reached out to their colleagues and friends who are willing to be interviewed. First come, first served. Send me an e-mail that you were unable to find someone on your own and I will get you in touch with someone.

Homework: Interview done by Wed. Cover due by Thursday.
If you don't have someone to interview yet complete this survey: google forms survey

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...