Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday 11/16

Editing Checklist

Step 1: The Basics - Quick Checks

[ ] Are there 7 completed entries?
[ ] Is each one double-spaced, 12 point font, between 1/2 page and a full page?
[ ] Is each entry dated? Including the year?
[ ] Do they have their interview notes?

Step 2: Carefully read through their assignment

Step 3: More in depth (Add "comments" to their file with warm and cool feedback, suggestions for revision) 

Learning Target [I can analyze the experience of immigrants who moved to America and evaluate the success of their integration into American society]
[  ] Are the details from the interview incorporated effectively in the diary entries?
[  ] Based on their interview notes, what else do you think they could better incorporate into their writing?
[  ] Is there reflection on the immigrants feeling of "success" in the entries?
[  ] How might they better incorporate this aspect of the LT?
[  ] Are there examples or stories that reflect on how well they integrated into American society?
[  ] How might they better incorporate this aspect of the LT?
[  ] How many times do they reference immigration law or policy? Ideally, we should shoot for 3-4 laws or policies that your character is writing about / responding to?

  1. Kid or adult: You are responding to something you read in the news or saw on TV or heard someone talking about
  2. Kid: You are recounting a conversation you heard between your parent and another adult
  3. High schooler: You are responding to something you were learning about in your class.
  4. adult: You are recounting a conversation you had with someone at the store / club / mall / bar 
  5. You are writing about how a certain law or policy impacted someone you love or a neighbor.

[  ] What laws fall within your character's immigration timeline that might work as a possibility for them to reflect on?

Skills Target [I can produce clear and coherent writing]
[  ] Are there ANY points when you were reading that you had to stop or pause to think about what they meant? Identify these places and give a suggestion for how their writing could be revised to flow more smoothly
[  ] Identify any and all spelling, grammatical, or structural problems including but not limited to...
-run-on sentences
-sentence fragments
-spelling errors
-errors with capitalization
-errors with punctuation
-problems with word choice

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...