Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday 1/29

Today we will create our plans for our writing assessments using the documents, lecture, and videos from the last 3 classes. Specific order of planning includes

  1. Planning out intro with thesis/overarching claim
  2. Selecting arguments and evidence
  3. Outlining ideas pre-write

The Do Now

Instructions for writing assignment

Homework: Be prepared for full-class writing session tomorrow

Sources from class. Dates indicate date on blog when each was posted.

  • The Great Depression Part 1 (1/26)
  • 1920s Consumerism (1/24)
  • Great Depression Rap (1/24)
  • Crash Course #33 (1/24)
Class Docs
  • Lecture (powerpoint) (1/26)
  • Shared Hypotheses (1/25)
  • Various Docs / Data Sets #1-21 (1/26)
Planing Documents
  • 1st Draft (due 1/25)
  • 2nd Draft (due 1/26)
  • Supporting / Undermining Evidence Tracker (1/25)
  • Quote Recording Form (1/26)
Criteria for Success (based on all classes)

  • [     ] 2 pages (1 ¾ pages  - 2 ½  pages)
  • [   ] Uses at least 3 sources AND CITES THEM
  • [   ] claims made and backed with evidence
  • [   ] evidence is explained
  • [  ] strong introduction
  • [  ] strong conclusion
  • [  ] strong and varied transitions
  • {  } hypothesis / thesis / overarching claim given at the beginning that is CLEAR and is PROVEN
  • |  | mechanics are correct, sentence structure is strong, and shows variety in phrasing and word choice
  • <  >  organization makes logical sense*
  • [  ]  Editing and revision process shows growth

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...