Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday 4/24

CP Assignment is HERE PLEASE NOTE: While the sheet says your product should be 1/2 of a page, this is a mistake (I had a similar assignment last year). The end product should, and must, be 4 separate, solid paragraphs - one for each of the question sets given. Each will need to be fairly substantial in order to cover all of the ground of the questions given.

Honors Assignment is HERE

These were the probing questions on the handout from our library work days, organized under the original questions

a. What, specifically, were they MOST known for during the Civil Rights era? (other ways this question could be asked: What were their biggest accomplishments? How are they remembered? What was their biggest impact?)
Achievements, Who were they in this movement? Were they successful? How are they remembered? What was there overall impact on the movement as a whole? 

b. What were their core beliefs that motivated them to do the things they did, fighting for Civil Rights (this should political and religious beliefs)?
Family history / ethnicity / race / etc., Experiences growing up, Important Relationships including family, friends & colleagues, Educational experiences, How did your individual feel about major happenings like the freedom rides, sit-ins, specific, marches, demonstrations, and major legislation passed. What brought them into the work that they did? What inspired them? What types of political beliefs did they hold? What were their ideologies & strongest viewpoints? 
c. What groups did they lead, or were they involved with? What was their role in these groups?
Affiliated Groups, Role in the Civil Rights movement, Who did they work or interact with? What groups did they work with or lead?
d. What major Civil Rights Era events were they involved in and in what capacity? Each person will need to submit all notes (3 page minimum, likely more for most of you) and a bibliography page,

  Did they have other civil rights leaders they were close to? That they were in opposition with? What events did they help to organize? What was the outcome of these events? Who agreed with them and who disagreed with them. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday 4/23

DLT. I can explore the root causes, goals, and motivations of Civil Rights activists and modern-day activists

Campaign Zero

Black Panthers 10 Point Plan

Have The Goals of the Civil Rights Movement Been Achieved?
Post your 8-10 sentence response/reaction on this form here

Monday, April 9, 2018


Do Now Click Here

Comparing the Headlines / Stories
BLM - HuffPo (Liberal Slant)
BLM - Fox Insider (Conservative Slant)

BLM Timeline - Mother Jones (warning some strong language)
BLM Reading

Some throwback 2012 Galanis can be found in this article

Image result for black lives matter

Friday, April 6, 2018


Khassad - Fred Hampton
Phillip - A. Phillip Randolph
Josh - Ella Baker
Nasysi - Mohammed Ali
Christian - RFK
Jaylene - JFK
Yaz - Whitney Young
Rebecca - Gloria Richardson
Joseph - John Lewis
Andru - Maya Angelou
Daniel - James Baldwin
Ian - Fred Shuttlesworth
Isaiah - MLK
Seaneice - Ruby Bridges
Nathan - Rosa Parks
William - Malcolm X
Ernie - James Farmer
Destiny - Angela Davis [source 2]

Claudette Colvin

Eddie - Ruby Bridges^
Daniel V - Mohammad Ali^
Roderick - Angela Davis^
Michael - Rosa Parks^
Demetri - Betty Shabazz
Leo - Malcolm X^
Ruth - Daisy Bates
Gabby -
Anthony - RFK^
Daniel L - MLK^
Cheyenne -  Bobby Seale
Thea - Maya Angelou^
Tamia - Huey Newton
Raven - Fred Shuttlesworth^

Marc - H Rap Brown
Jay - Malcolm X
Kaeli - Mohammad Ali
Tiana - Maya Angelou
Deshaun - Bobby Seale
James - MLK
Janell - Fannie Lou Hamer
Steven - John Lewis
Marc - H Rap Brown
Da-Sha - Angela Davis
Riah - JFK
Tatiana - James Baldwin

Delbert - Thurgood Marshall
Pauli Murray - Riley
Lexie - Mamie Till
Vincente - Medgar Evers
Tsenu - John Lewis
Delphine - Angela Davis
Michael Foster - Coretta Scott King
MArcus Martinez - A Phillip Randolph
Liz - Ella Baker
Cora - Ruby Bridges
Mahrosha - Daisy Bates
Victoria - Huey Newton
NAte - Malcolm X
Desiree - Rosa Parks
Nick - JFK
Barrett - MLK
Dejah - Roy Wilkins
Bridget - Huey Newton

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Thursday 4/5/2018

Greetings! As I let you all know earlier this week, I'm going to be in and out of class, pending my responsibilities during Site Seminar. Because of this, today's post will be particularly detailed, to cover me in case I miss a specific part of your class today.

Step 1
First thing's first - make sure you turn in the things that are due today to the INBOX. This includes the following... [5 minutes]
1) A second draft of your #PleaseVote letter (can also be submitted via digital share)
2) Yesterday's Work
     a. Your group's completed poster
     b. The script of what you shared
     c. Your individual notes from the presentations (11.4 & 11.5)

Step 2
Depending on your section, read the directions for your research project. If there are any questions, work to resolve them as a group. [5 minutes]
Documents to download (save to your files):
[honors]  assignment
[cp] assignment

Step 3
Spend 10 to 15 minutes (please, at least a FULL TEN MINUTES) doing some basic research on some of the individuals listed on your task sheet. Wikipedia can be your friend for this, don't tell on me. Select your top 3 to 5 people you're interested in researching (take into consideration how many sources and the types of sources listed on the wikipeda - this should help you red flag people there may not be a substantial amount of information on). I don't want repeats in the same class, so you might not get a person you chose. Please be flexible - all of these people are important and played key roles in the Civil Rights Movement.

Step 4
As a class, go through the list of people together. Assign people based on preference, use rock-paper-scissors 2 out of 3 to break ties.

Step 5
Begin with your preliminary research by gathering sources that you evaluate as being authentic. Once you have 5-7 unique digital sources, begin reading and gathering information based on assignment requirements.

Rest in Peace, MLK

AP PHOTOS: 50 years after MLK’s death, a look at his life

Homework: posters due tomorrow with presentation notes and individual presentation notecatchers.

Sometimes I see interesting and relevant maps. Here’s one

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday 4/3

Here is the peer editing sheet from today's class ICYMI

Use This to Edit Papers

Tomorrow's class will be about the role of MUSIC in protest. Sections IV & V will be taught by my student teacher.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday 4/2

Good Day 11th grade. I'm actually here, I just turned myself invisible! (April Fools!) #sorrynotsorry

First and foremost, I want to offer my apologies for not getting everything updated like I said I would for you this weekend, certainly not the most professional course of action. I will get things updated this week so you have an opportunity to see where you're at before my grades are finalized and certainly before report cards come out NEXT Friday before our April Vacation.

Here's the game plan for today's class.

Learning Target: I can draft a letter to an eligible voter

Do Now: Please get your computers, and notes out and in order, ready to begin class.

Work Time
Use your resources from the past several days (use blog as reference if you missed any time).

It may be useful to think of this work time almost as "on-demand writing." Do you best to compose a solid first draft, and then you won't have anything additional to work on for homework tonight.

Including a convincing evidence-based argument, make the case for why it is important to both REGISTER to vote AND to actually vote in elections. Use your content from the Civil Rights movement to help create your argument including but not limited to redlining, protest, the Voting Rights Act, Jim Crow laws, violence in the civil rights era, racism, segregation, etc. You should be using events, individuals, and ideas to help support your argument. The final draft should be about one page and MUST be LESS than one page in length. Your first draft may be longer than this. The links from the previous post will be especially helpful for supporting you through this task. Definitely check out "4 research-backed ways to get people to vote."

If you didn't finish your draft in class, complete before tomorrow' class

Community Commitment: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
HOW: Number 2

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...