Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday 4/2

Good Day 11th grade. I'm actually here, I just turned myself invisible! (April Fools!) #sorrynotsorry

First and foremost, I want to offer my apologies for not getting everything updated like I said I would for you this weekend, certainly not the most professional course of action. I will get things updated this week so you have an opportunity to see where you're at before my grades are finalized and certainly before report cards come out NEXT Friday before our April Vacation.

Here's the game plan for today's class.

Learning Target: I can draft a letter to an eligible voter

Do Now: Please get your computers, and notes out and in order, ready to begin class.

Work Time
Use your resources from the past several days (use blog as reference if you missed any time).

It may be useful to think of this work time almost as "on-demand writing." Do you best to compose a solid first draft, and then you won't have anything additional to work on for homework tonight.

Including a convincing evidence-based argument, make the case for why it is important to both REGISTER to vote AND to actually vote in elections. Use your content from the Civil Rights movement to help create your argument including but not limited to redlining, protest, the Voting Rights Act, Jim Crow laws, violence in the civil rights era, racism, segregation, etc. You should be using events, individuals, and ideas to help support your argument. The final draft should be about one page and MUST be LESS than one page in length. Your first draft may be longer than this. The links from the previous post will be especially helpful for supporting you through this task. Definitely check out "4 research-backed ways to get people to vote."

If you didn't finish your draft in class, complete before tomorrow' class

Community Commitment: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
HOW: Number 2

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...