Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thursday 5/3/2018

I'm not here today. Each class has a little bit of a different assignment so make sure you read the right piece for your class.

11.5 & 11.6 

When we first started our Civil Rights unit, I asked you to complete a writing assignment telling "The Story of the Civil Rights Era" based on your background knowledge only. Many of you found this task frustrated you as it highlighted a lack of knowledge about the period of history. Today you have your chance to show yourself how much your understanding of this period has advanced. The task is to be completed without any support outside of the information you hold in your brain. Please, no talking and do your best - this will count as a grade for Learning Target 2.

For 11.5, once you complete the task, please grab the boards and finish them - these are going to be collected at the end of the day - the fate of our class is in your hands so please finish strong!!

For 11.6, in small groups, please take some time to recap the stories you found when completing your homework. Consider the following questions: How does this story exhibit PROGRESS or LACK OF PROGRESS since the time period we study over these last several weeks? What are your personal reactions to your article? What connections can you make between the articles? Each group should collaborate on a brief (1/2 page or so) summary to recap the discussion you had. Please submit to inbox.

11.2 & 11.4

Please begin by logging in to powerschool. Please note well, the overall grade in the course has not been updated since last grade reports, but assignments have and should be up to date with everything aside from your biography projects. In your two classes, I've noticed, whether due to absence or otherwise, that MANY of you are missing assignments. Today is your "free pass" day to revise or complete assignments from this target that you may have missed. Please do not take this opportunity for granted. The following assignments from this target are the ones you should be making sure are done, and doing your best to remedy the situation if they aren't done.

1) Register to Vote Letter
2) On-Demand Biography Assignment (can be done on paper or typed if no hard copies of the assignment sheet are available - please check with classmates to see prompt)
3) Baldwin Interview notes - video on blog (chart can also be done on paper)
4) Post-Write (documents up front, from Tuesday!)

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...