Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tuesday May Day May Day

Target Timeline
1) Took a survey around our own beliefs about race, racism & current issues relating to race
2) We wrote an on-demand writing about “The Story of Civil Rights” to bring out our background knowledge
3) We looked at school race demographics today in our area
4) We looked at different areas in the US as case studies on segregation around the country
5) We worked on studying Dr. Beverly Tatum’s definition of racism, compared to our own understandings of it
6) Looked at defining what exactly CIVIL RIGHTS are
7) We watched a film from the 1960s about the “Southern Way of Life” and had a look at what types of attitudes people had about African-Americans during that period.
8) We listened to an NPR podcast about REDLINING and how the government forcibly segregated white and black people by determining where they should live.
9) Watched “A Time for Justice” documentary which gave an overview of the major actions of the Civil Rights movement
10)                   We looked a series of documents to help build up our understanding of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
11)                   We then used all of this information to write a letter to a prospective voter, encouraging them to register and vote
12)                   Mr. Galanis’ student teacher Shyanne, helped us look into the role of music and protest songs during the Civil Rights Era and also today
13)                   At this point we started a biographical research project – looking into key individuals who had a major impact during the Civil Rights Movement
14)                   We then looked into the Black Lives Matter movement. We watched a couple of short video clips and then investigated how left-leaning, and right-leaning news sources depicted and wrote about the movement, looking at bias, and talking about what implications that can have on the consumers of news media.
15)                   Next we watched two different documentaries about the Black Panther Party, and why some people remember them in a criminal light, while other celebrate their legacy today.
16)                   During this time a lot of our days were devoted to doing our research and responding to the research questions.
17)                   We then used a video interview with James Baldwin from 1963 to help us bring everything together and reflect back on the different ideologies and leaders during the Civil Rights movement, as well as coming back to the core ideas of America facing it’s racist past and doing something to address the injustice laid upon African-Americans.

Learning Targer 2: I can examine the fight for justice and changes brought about in the Civil Rights era of the mid-20th Century

Independent Work Options
A)A Statement explaining which part of the mission statement this project exemplifies and WHY (biography project) (5-8 sentences)
B)A project description (some background, and then an explanation of exactly what the project was, and why we did it) (5-8 sentences)
-Type it, share it with me galanisj@springfieldpublicschools.com
Homework: If you don’t finish your piece in class, complete tonight for HW

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...