Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday 9/7/18


Homework Please make sure you’re all caught up with this week’s class work and review the maps on the interactive so you’re ready to continue that work Monday. If you do 1-2 maps this weekend, you will reduce the amount of homework you have Tuesday night.

Please sign up for Remind App: Text @jgalanis to 81010

From Front Board in Class Today:

Criteria List for Presentation
What state is your document from and who wrote it?
What are the main focuses / subject matter of the document?
What opinions does the author give? What is the tone of their writing?
How does this document connect to either the Whitman or Sherman document? Is there any conflict between the documents?
Given this document, what inferences can you make about the attitudes in this state as the war ended?
What challenges do you foresee as we look toward Reconstruction post-war, given your document?
(next week we will add insights we get from the maps)

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...