Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday 10/18

D.LT: I can make preparations for conducting an interview
Do Now: Often we see interviews online or on television – what are the reasons that specific people are interviewed? Why do people care?
Mini-Lesson: Overview of th  RAFT Assignment   Brainstorming around the following questions
-What makes a good interview?
-What is our hopeful outcome for this assignment?
-What types of stories would make for an interesting diary entry?
Video 1
Video 2
Apply: Brainstorming. Groupthinking questions
Debrief: What ideas do YOU have in terms of individuals you may want to interview or who can you talk to who may be able to connect you with someone?
Homework: Watch / read the slideshow. Using your notecatcher from Wednesday, use the slideshow to fill in the blanks from the presentations. Match time periods from presentations to years given in slides. (due Monday)
CC / HOW: Cultural Sensitivity HOW2

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...