Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday 11/1

Thursday 11/1

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Use class time to prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl debate.
Use the following sources as well as class resources (or other sources if you'd like) to prepare three talking points for each of these questions:

Question 1
Should the United States have a more or less stringent
immigration policy than it currently has, or are you happy with current circumstances?

Key Facts About US Immigration Policies & Proposed Changes
Factual info about immigration info in US
CFR US Immigration Policy
Ideas for reforming immigration policy
Immigration Pro Con
Pro's and con's on many different issues (remember that almost anything can be spun in either liberal or conservative view)
NYT Comparing Immigration Policies
Some info on how other countries do immigration
CNN Immigration Landscape
How immigrants at the border are being treated (more of a humanitarian viewpoint).
Washington Post Immigration Reform
Why there is so much debate - quick background and recap of arguments.
Fox News Immigration System
Asylum requests are overloading the immigration system and how this affects the US.
FAIR US Fiscal Burden
The fiscal burden that illegal immigrants may (does it? does it not?) put on the US taxpayers (citizens).

Question 2What is good about the current naturalization process?
Bad? What would you change and why?

Birthright Citizenship
A conservative view for birthright citizenship, and how this actually goes against Trump's position.
Reforming the Naturalization Process
Ideas on how to make the process better (how would conservatives react?)
Int Policy Digest - Reforming the American Citizenship Process
No solid plan, but plea for reform of the process so it is more in line with our country's values.
Open Borders
Liberal view pushing for open borders, conservatives could use this to push back on the impracticality of the idea.
FAIR US Chain Migration
What chain migration is and why it's a problem in this country

Question 3Should cities (or states) be allowed
to declare themselves sanctuary cities and refuse to cooperate with ICE?

What is a Sanctuary City
More liberal tilt on the importance of 'safe' cities.
The False Promise of Sanctuary Cities
Details implications of being a sanctuary city - are these protections even working? Should they be?
Fox News The Sanctuary City Mess
Conservatives might feel like this, liberals might see this as unfair blame or exaggeration
MSNBC Sanctuary Cities
Both sides may find helpful evidence from this article, depending on if your focus is on the crime(s) mentioned or the humanity of immigrants.
Directions for fishbowl: Immigration Debate Directions

Finish preparing for debate! (see directions above! Skills 2 Grade (I can clearly convey ideas and information through effective organization).
Work on diary cover - due Wednesday.

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...