Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday 12/4 / Wednesday 12/5

Tuesday's Lecture: Eugenics Powerpoint

Tuesday Reading: Eugenics & The Nazis - The California Connection

Work for Wednesday
LINK: Eugenics Archive (for class partner work) (click "MENU of Virtual Exhibits" and then click your assigned topic)

1) Create a summary, including key terms from your section to share with the class
2) Find, within your section, examples of TRADITION and CHANGE, or TENSION within the 1920s society
3) Respond to your section-specific questions below

Social Origins of Eugenics
a. What was happening in the US that allowed Eugenics to develop?
b. How did CLASS and NATIVISM play into this new science?

Scientific Origins of Eugenics
a. What were the differences between the two branches of eugenics ("positive" & negative)?
b. What was the role of steritilzation within Eugenics?

Eugenics Research Methods
a. What types of things did families get "scored" on?
b. What was the range of people Eugenicists did their research on?

Traits Studied by Eugenecists
a. What types of "human problems" were studied by Eugenicists?
b. What types of traits made up "intelligence" and "behavioral" characteristics?

Flaws in Eugenics Research
a. Desribe each of the 5 fatal flaws of Eugenics Research

Eugenics Popularization
a. What policies gained popularity through Eugenics & how?
b. What happened in Springfield??

Eguenics Laws Against Race Mixing
a. What is Miscegenation and why did Eugenicists see it as a problem?
b. Explain Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924
c. What happened in Loving v. Virginia

Eugenic Sterilization Laws
a. Who was sterilized and why?
b. What happened in the Carrie Buck case and what was its significance?

Eugenic Laws Restricting Immigration
a. What different groups pressured for immigration restriction and why?
b. How did Laughlin's efforts help bring about the restrictive Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, and what was the President's reaction to it?

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...