Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday 3/5/2019

---> Do Now <---

Inner Circle
  1. Person A shares a brief overview of their topic, and identifies one specific opinion that they have concluded from the reading (talking point)
  2. Other people in the group can join in / respond
“I agree with you, and relevant point from my readings is…”
“I disagree with you because in my readings I read that….”
Ask clarifying questions
Ask probing & specific questions
      3) Once the topic seems to have reached conclusion and everyone who wants to chime  
           in has had an opportunity to, another person can bring up their own topic & point
           to refocus the discussion

Potential Questions to help shape your opinions / conclusions
  • What drew you to your topic?
  • What parallels did you find?
  • What were some major differences between your historical event & current event?
  • Did this research/writing make you think of any other related events, movements, or historical trends?
  • Did this assignment leave you with any burning questions?
  • How did you see media affecting the public opinion of the event and the movement it was a part of?
  • Were these events beneficial to the movement? How so or why not?
  • How did the event shape the movement?
  • Would the results of your events be different had they happened either back then or today (vice versa of their actual occurrence)
  • Did this research provide you with any new knowledge you’d like to explore further?

Outer Circle
a) Ideas you AGREE with
b) Ideas you DISAGREE with

c) Questions you have

Topics to review for tomorrow's quiz:

  • Plessy v Ferguson
  • Brown v Board
  • Murder of Emmett Till
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Freedom Rides
  • Little Rock Nine
  • March from Selma to Montgomery
  • Voting registration & Voting Rights Act
  • Sit-ins

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...