Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday 4/30

HW: From this discussion prep document, note 5 questions you think you’d like to talk about on Thursday. Take a look at the 'What is feminism?' sheet linked below as well.
If you didn't finish reading Understanding Patriarchy, it is strongly encouraged that you do so.

Discussion Prompts (for Thursday)

What is Feminism info sheet

Understanding Patriarchy
 reading from today

Lerner Propositions - rewording her propositions on page 8 of Creation of Patriarchy

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday 4/26

pdf of HR 40

Senator Corey Booker talking about HR 40 (5 mins)

Questions for reflective LT2 writing:

Do reparations like those proposed in HR 40 seem like the right idea? Do you see them helping?
What can reparations fix?
What can they not?

What new information stuck out to you most from the unit?
How are you feeling leaving this unit?
What else would you have wanted to talk about in the unit?

Where do we go from here? What needs to be done?
What can you do?

What can we do as a school?

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday 4/24

Potential materials to use for support in your talking points:

- civil rights leader research notes/project
- civil rights moment notes/scene ☆
- redlining podcast/powerpoint & notes
- western MA school demographic data
- Boston busing footage & notes
- notes from earlier in the LT - Plessy v Ferguson, Brown v Board, etc
- notes from civil rights documentary (the one with real footage about Emmett Till, Little Rock nine, etc.)
- news stories you’ve read
- our essential questions from LT2 !
- notes from Ta-Nehisi Coates' speech yesterday
- your own experiences & observations

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday 4/23


Here's the link to the speech we viewed today: Ta-Nehisi Coates West Point Lecture

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday 4/22

Info for authors note - should be half a page typed, single spaced. Due with your final scene.

What is an Author’s note?
Basically, it is an opportunity for you to speak directly to your readers about your work. It explains what you created, why you made the choices you did, and  why you made it - why it matters.

What should I include in my Author’s Note?

  • What drew you to this topic? These characters?
  • What did the research process look like for you? (I know we did this together,but for someone outside the classroom, what did you find as you began the first stages of writing this scene - was it easy to find information? Was this information often biased? Was there primary source materials easily available? Did you feel like you got the whole picture from the main sources you used, or did you feel like information/people were left out?
  • How did creating these characters and crafting this scene impact you? Did itchange the way you think about anything, force you to see a new point of view, inspire you, burden you, discourage you … ?
  • Why does what you wrote matter? To you? To the world?
  • What main point were you trying to make? Who did you want to impact?
  • What might happen next? If this is relevant, where does the the rest of the play go,or if you wished you had a way to skip through time what would you want the reader to know happens?
  • Are there any controversies you want to address? Things you may have left out,realities you may have tweaked, or potentially controversial choices you made that you want to explain?

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday 4/5/2019

LT 2: I can examine the fight for justice and changes brought about in the Civil Rights era of the mid-20th century.

Please read through on powerschool what your score is and if there are any problems make sure that you shoot us an e-mail so we can update that. 

These are the 4 assignments that comprise your grade

3/4 Specific Topic Comparison  (This was 3 paragraphs - there was not an assignment sheet separate from what was posted on the blog. You were comparing a historic Civil Rights topic to something from today)j
3/6 Civil Rights Quiz (not revise-able)
3/19 LT Project 1 (This was the one where you researched a specific leader in the movement) 
4/2 Civil Rights Summary (Most recent writing leading into your character work)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday 4/1

Draft of your creative product should probably include:
  • essay: outline (main ideas & bulleted support, organization)
  • poem: topics for each poem, docs selected that you will pull from for each, rough draft of at least 2
  • comic strip: simple version of each page & caption idea
  • social media: decide who friends/likes are, find a few photos & draft a few posts/DMs
  • moodboard/scrapbook: find your sources, a few quotes to potentially use, photos, jot down a few ‘thoughts’ or to-do’s
*this should be done during work block 2/for HW tonight

HW is dependent on how much you were able to get done today. You need to be prepared to move forward with a final version of your product tomorrow. Make sure you have the resources you need, the physical materials you need, and continue to be thinking about the questions from building your character.

Bring your revised summary to class tomorrow. Attach your original version (from Friday).

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...