Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday 4/1

Draft of your creative product should probably include:
  • essay: outline (main ideas & bulleted support, organization)
  • poem: topics for each poem, docs selected that you will pull from for each, rough draft of at least 2
  • comic strip: simple version of each page & caption idea
  • social media: decide who friends/likes are, find a few photos & draft a few posts/DMs
  • moodboard/scrapbook: find your sources, a few quotes to potentially use, photos, jot down a few ‘thoughts’ or to-do’s
*this should be done during work block 2/for HW tonight

HW is dependent on how much you were able to get done today. You need to be prepared to move forward with a final version of your product tomorrow. Make sure you have the resources you need, the physical materials you need, and continue to be thinking about the questions from building your character.

Bring your revised summary to class tomorrow. Attach your original version (from Friday).

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...