Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday 5/29

Modern Feminism Poster assignment sheet

Click into your issue to explore various articles related to your topic choice:
NOW Issues

group tracker - your group should have ONE COPY to be tracking your responsibilities and progress

11.1 Groups
aidan ana michael athen - economic justice
aliyah jakiya lexus brooklyn - racial justice
franklin andrew b andrew p - lqbtqia rights
trevin estefany kayla - reproductive rights
brandon bre ella ryan chase - ending violence against women

11.4 Groups

jordan raydell ajani - reproductive rights
sadryan lawrence tyler - lgbtq rights
tanya angeliz genesis - ending violence against women
juma elate aseanesey lamar - racial justice
chaasadah chasity aria taty - economic justice
george raul marcus  - constitutional equality

11.5 Groups
shay aijah ajanay - reproductive rights
mickey christian - economic justice
jaron abdul daniel brandon - constitutional equality
aschalon makarius mario - ending violence against women
jermaine ockeem jason jason - racial justice

11.6 Groups
zoe.. <--- jeniah rachel - reproductive rights
kirsten erik gianna - ending violence against women
victor nathan brian - economic justice
angel dong - racial justice
adia karina errolyn alyssa lgbtqia rights
sofia abby bre anna colleen - constitutional equality

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday 5/26

HW: Final draft of RAFT writing due tomorrow at the start of class. We will upload to Unified Classroom. Works cited should be included as the last page. Check out Easy Bib or Citation Machine for help.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday 5/24

Weekend HW:
Complete a solid first draft of your women's lib RAFT assignment for Tuesday. We will be editing & revising in class on Tuesday.
Reminder - this is due at the start of class on Wednesday 5/29

As Requested: The Digital version of The Feminine Mystique

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday 5/23

HW: Have at least 1 page of notes for the RAFT assignment topic you chose.
Identify your main arguments and pieces of evidence that you will use during writing work time tomorrow.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday 5/17

Roe v Wade

Complete the reading & questions on precedent in class (last page of document from class).

Next, read this short article, paying attention to the included charts. #data 😎

Finally, prepare a 30 second statement to share on Monday answering the following question:
What is the future of Roe?
In your statement, be sure to include evidence to support your opinion based on our Constitutional amendments, consideration of precedent, and the arguments each side would hypothetically make. In other words, would the recent laws narrowing abortion rights be upheld if brought to the Supreme Court? If the Roe v Wade decision was challenged in 2019, what would be the outcome? (be sure to include each of the bolded requirements above in your statement!!)

Final Exam Review Guide

Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday 5/13

HW: Based on what you completed in class today, set a goal for your homework tonight on your tracker. You must have something specific and make progress on the assignment, but you can decide on the specifics. Have a first draft ready by Wednesday

1950s ad to start with -
Or google your own! '1950s advertisements / 1950s print advertisements '
Tracker Given in Class

F.M. 1950s Ad Mini-Poster Assignment Sheet

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Friday 5/10

Homework (H): Closing Remarks! 1 page reflection on this week’s discussions. Upload to Unified Classroom

(CP): Please upload your assignment from yesterday to the same place on UC.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday 5/9

Feminine Mystique Poster Instructions



CP: Reflect on today’s discussion. Choose
one of the questions from the 2nd round and write
out a one page reflection responding to the question.

Honors: Prepare new talking points on the 2nd round of questions introduced toward
the end of the discussion (posted to blog - prep notes checked for HW)

Part 2 (end of day 1 / prep for day 2):

  1. Do you think you’ve been taught a role based on your sex? How and by whom or what? How have these roles been enforced?
  2. How do examples from your own life (or women in your life)  line up with the experiences described in Friedan?
  3. How are femininity and masculinity defined now? Who gets to define these terms and how? How do these lenses affect how you view yourself? 
  4. In what ways does media (TV, movies, video, commercials/ads) impact, enforce/reinforce, or even set the roles and norms for men and women today?

If you missed the on-demand: This is the prompt!
Typed Paragraph, uploaded to UC: ST1/LT3 What is the world Betty Friedan describes? How do you think she views the experiences of men & women as being different? Use at least 2 quotes in your response

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday 5/8

From class today:


note catcher for MAKERS part 3

HW: Prepare your thoughts/responses to the following questions for the discussion tmrw:

  • What exactly IS the Feminine Mystique? What is Friedan’s reasoning for doing the research and writing this book?
  • Through Friedan’s research, in what ways did “the problem that has no name” present itself in American women in the 50s/60s? In what ways did women attempt to remedy the problem? Would you say there has ever been a name to this problem, or would it still be considered a nameless problem now?
  • How does equity between men and women play into Friedan’s era? (think: education, jobs, responsibilities, value)
  • In the 1950s & 60s, what standards of femininity did women strive for, and what was seen as being “unfeminine?”
  • “...the chains that bind her in her trap are chains in her own mind and spirit. They are chains made up of mistakes ideas and misinterpreted  facts, of incomplete truths and unreal choices. They are not easily seen and not easily shaken off” (Friedan, 31). Where do these chains come from, what can break them, and who can or can not see them?
  • How could having an informed feminist lense help potentially change how society treats, thinks, and acts toward women? (this question is a good one to pull from or connect MAKERS, hooks, Lerner, Friedan)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday 5/6

Advertisements to start with:
2018 (google search)

Prep talking points on discussion questions for Thursday!! You can work on this tonight and/or tomorrow night!

Monday, May 6, 2019


It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Please join us in celebrating the hard work of our teachers by nominating a teacher to be selected for Phoenix Teacher of the Week. Winning teacher will be selected on Friday at noon. Winning teacher will receive: * $25 gift card to Staples * Special Recognition on our website/Facebook * Teacher supply basket * 2 Movie passes and $25 restaurant gift card * One period off covered by the principal

Image result for vote for me meme

Monday 5/6

Homework for tomorrow: Finish reading & annotating The Feminine Mystique chapter one. You will have a short on-demand writing tomorrow based on the text at the beginning of class.

Questions to prep for Thursday's Discussion
Part 1:

  1. What exactly IS the Feminine Mystique? What is Friedan’s reasoning for doing the research and writing this book?
  2. Through Friedan’s research, in what ways did “the problem that has no name” present itself in American women in the 50s/60s? In what ways did women attempt to remedy the problem? Would you say there has ever been a name to this problem, or would it still be considered a nameless problem now?
  3. How does equity between men and women play into Friedan’s era? (think: education, jobs, responsibilities, value)
  4. In the 1950s & 60s, what standards of femininity did women strive for, and what was seen as being “unfeminine?”
  5. “...the chains that bind her in her trap are chains in her own mind and spirit. They are chains made up of mistakes ideas and misinterpreted  facts, of incomplete truths and unreal choices. They are not easily seen and not easily shaken off” (Friedan, 31). Where do these chains come from, what can break them, and who can or can not see them?
  6. How could having an informed feminist lense help potentially change how society treats, thinks, and acts toward women? (this question is a good one to pull from or connect MAKERS, hooks, Lerner, Friedan)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday 5/3

Today is a choice day. You can either watch part two of the Makers docu series (the movie we started on Wednesday) in class on your own with headphones, or you can complete the following short assignment in class. Whichever option you do not choose to complete in class you must complete over the weekend. UPLOAD THIS TO UNIFIED CLASSROOM.

*If you choose to watch Makers Part II at home, we will collect the note tracker on Monday
Makers Part II Note catcher

  1. Choose a sub topic about the feminist movement from the list below.
  2. Read the articles that go with your topic (and feel free to search for other reputable source articles as well).
  3. Write up a 1/2 page - 1 page response about your topic and how it connects to the larger idea of the feminist movement and its issues. Today you're becoming a mini expert on this area of feminism. In this write up, you should talk about the issue(s) discussed within your topic, what change was made, and what was important about the people involved - if you are looking at a specific person, make sure you tell us about their lives as well as what they contributed to the movement. Don't forget to connect back to larger issues of power, equality, social constructs, etc.
Radical / Conservative Feminism

Emma Goldman

Women of Color in the Feminist Movement (you can speak more broadly or focus on one subgroup mentioned here)

Alice Paul

Transgender Women & the Feminist Movement

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Day / May Day


Please review the discussion prompts/questions on the sheet we handed out today in class (same as the digital version linked yesterday) and prepare 4 talking points with evidence from Creation of Patriarchy (Monday reading), Understanding Patriarchy (Tuesday reading), and Makers (today's video) for a discussion tomorrow. These talking points should go in the boxes on the back of the question sheet; please feel free to prepare further on your own paper.
We will give you a brief amount of time to practice your arguments tomorrow, and then have a fishbowl (CP) or full-class (Honors) discussion.

Notecatcher handout given in class: HERE

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...