Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday 5/3

Today is a choice day. You can either watch part two of the Makers docu series (the movie we started on Wednesday) in class on your own with headphones, or you can complete the following short assignment in class. Whichever option you do not choose to complete in class you must complete over the weekend. UPLOAD THIS TO UNIFIED CLASSROOM.

*If you choose to watch Makers Part II at home, we will collect the note tracker on Monday
Makers Part II Note catcher

  1. Choose a sub topic about the feminist movement from the list below.
  2. Read the articles that go with your topic (and feel free to search for other reputable source articles as well).
  3. Write up a 1/2 page - 1 page response about your topic and how it connects to the larger idea of the feminist movement and its issues. Today you're becoming a mini expert on this area of feminism. In this write up, you should talk about the issue(s) discussed within your topic, what change was made, and what was important about the people involved - if you are looking at a specific person, make sure you tell us about their lives as well as what they contributed to the movement. Don't forget to connect back to larger issues of power, equality, social constructs, etc.
Radical / Conservative Feminism

Emma Goldman

Women of Color in the Feminist Movement (you can speak more broadly or focus on one subgroup mentioned here)

Alice Paul

Transgender Women & the Feminist Movement

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...