Today we will upload our essays to powerschool!
and then we will do a LT reflection!
and then we'll upload that to powerschool!
and then we'll have a class discussion!
and then it's a long weekend!
you have a brief homework about Columbus day! (first 3-ish pages - hard copy given in class)
We'll talk about it in Tuesday!
Reflection Questions (type in word or docs and then upload via powerschool)
- This reflection is YOUR CHANCE to argue your case on whether you exceeded, met, or approached meeting
- Q1: Explain your rubric self-evaluation. Why did you give yourself the score you did? Please only focus on LT1 and the criteria for success.
- Q2: Explain, with evidence from your grades (paper self-evaluation, grade on exam, + Recon Maps & comic compromise assignments) what score you should receive on this target, overall.
- Q3: Explain exactly what the PROCESS of reconstruction is
- Q4: Explain what the short-term and long-term outcomes were (the EFFECT) of Reconstruction
HOMEWORK: If you didn't finish the reflection, please complete and submit. Read Columbus reading and be prepared to discuss on Tuesday.