Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday 10/8 - Exam Review Day

Remember, your exam is on THURSDAY
Your final draft of your essay is due FRIDAY

Today will be devoted to reviewing for our exam in small groups.

These were the top 5 topics from the survey yesterday, and will be the focus of our review today:

  1. What is a political platform? [radical republicans] [southern democrats]
  2. What were Black Codes (link reading up to "Congressional Reconstruction") and how did they impact Freedmen?
  3. Who was John Wilkes Booth?  How and why did he kill Abraham Lincoln?
  4. What were Carpetbaggers and Scalawags?  What were their roles in Reconstruction?
Your task today will be as follows....
1) Review together the link or links provided about your topic
2) Using the chart paper and markers, chart out the most
important aspects of your topic and prepare to share that
information with your classmates.
3) Select a recorder (writes out the poster), the reporter
(will present your findings to classmates in small groups),
and researchers (people who will be focused on the text and
will take the notes that will be the focus of the poster)
4) During our guided gallery walk, the reporter will talk to each
group about your topic, while the rest of you rotate from station
to station and fill in your notecatcher

HOMEWORK: On the back, write one multiple choice question,
with ABCD options for each of the topics.

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...