Tuesday, November 26, 2019

End-of-Target Reflection

After yesterday's discussion, you should have time to reflect on the process of preparing,
participating, and listening to the discussion. Consider the following questions prepare a
reflection.This reflection will count as a HOW3 score, and will also help us to determine
your overall LT grade. The reflection should be 2 pages typed, double-spaced, 12 point font,
Times New Roman or Arial.

  • Was there anything about the process of the assignment
  • (preparation, execution, work time, etc.) that frustrated you? 
  • Explain the Learning Target in your own words
[I can analyze the experience of immigrants who moved to to America
and evaluate the success of their integration into American society]
  • Would you have done anything differently if you were the facilitator? 
  • How did you feel you did in terms of presenting your position and interacting with your classmates?
  •  How was your experience exploring a viewpoint you personally agreed with or disagreed with?
  • What is RIGHT with our immigration system?
  • What is WRONG with our immigration system?
  • What is the United States' role or responsibility as a "world power?"

Additional Questions for HONORS sections to consider can be found here. Please select at least 3 of these questions to address in your reflection as well.

Honors reflection may exceed 2 pages.

IF YOU DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN YESTERDAY'S FISHBOWL, whether you were absent, unprepared, just didn't talk, etc. Please use the time to type up your preparation notes, describing the arguments you would have made in the discussion and submit that assignment instead of a reflection.

This reflection should be typed in word or docs and will be uploaded to powerschool

If you finish early...

Food For Thought

Your Thanksgiving Turkey Is a Quintessentially American Bird: An Immigrant

The 17th-Century English Who Settled in the Southern U.S. Had Very Little to be Thankful For 

Thanksgiving: A Native American View

The Thanksgiving Tale We Tell Is a Harmful Lie. As a Native American, I’ve Found a Better Way to Celebrate the Holiday

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...