Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday 3/3

Pamphlet Assignment Sheet

Vivica & Jalen - Coretta Scott King / The Poor People's Campaign EVENT
Lajuan & Lennox - Maya Angelou / The Southern Christian Leadership Conference ORGANIZATION
Yeisylie & Elissa - Malcolm X / The Nation of Islam ORGANIZATION
Ziarre & Taysha - Daisy Bates / Little Rock School Integration EVENT
Anthony & Maurice - Muhammed Ali / The Nation of Islam ORGANIZATION
Matthew & Kristian - A Phillip Randolph / The March on Washington EVENT
Nino & Kinara - Claudette Colvin / Her bus incident & following court case EVENT
Javi & Kaleb - Fred Hampton / The Black Panther Party [or the Rainbow Coalition] ORG
Ariane  - Ruby Bridges / New Orleans School Desegregation EVENT
Nathan & Jose - Bayard Rustin / The March on Washington EVENT
Zoey - Angela Davis / Black Panther Party ORG

Angie Alanie - Angela Davis / The Black Panther Party
Carineh & Donte - Daisy Bates / Little Rock School Integration
Arilyn & Isa - Claudette Colvin / Her bus incident & following court case
Taylor & Anglis - Fred Hampton / The Black Panther Party [or the Rainbow Coalition]
Aaron & Eric - James Baldwin /
Jeremiah & ? - Huey Newton / The Black Panther Party
Shania & Danielle - H. Rap Brown / Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Devon & Pam - Malcolm X / Nation of Islam
Jesaiah & Travon - Muhammad Ali  / The Nation of Islam
Aiden & Cam - Bobby Seale / The Black Panther Party
Shea - Bayard Rustin / The March on Washington
McKylely - Maya Angelou / The Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Homework: Find 3-5 sources on your person & event and complete a works cited page

Letter from a Birmingham Jail <-- in class work

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...