Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday 11/30

This video "The Century: America's Time - 1920-1929 Boom to Bust" provides an overview of the entire era we'll be looking at in this unit. Please complete viewing guide questions as you watch. This is pretty straightforward but will count as a quiz grade, so please pay attention and complete it independently.

Viewing Guide: HERE

Dec 4-8 new content stuff📕📘📓📚📑💾
Dec 11-15 new content stuff💯💯💯
Dec 18 = final day of class before intensives/vacation 🎅🕎
Dec 19-22 = intensives  🚴
Dec 23-Jan 1 = vacation (I think this is mathematically one of the shortest vacations we can have 😥😪😫😖😕😟😧😬😱😰😨😢😵😳🤢😡🤡🙉🙊🐵🙈🦄 (yup. That unicorn tho)
Jan 2-17 = finish up LT3 project etc. [honors essay due in the middle of this too] [class days = just 9] also, MLK Day is in there too.  & The 12th is teacher PD 👳👴🔭🗡📽📡📜
Jan 18-19 Midterm Exam

And then…. SEMESTER 2! 😃

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Wednesday 11/29

 Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North -- Interview with Isabel Wilkerson - Author of "The Warmth of Other Suns"


"They made a choice that they were not going to live under the system into which they were born anymore and in some ways, it was the first step that the nation's servant class ever took without asking."

While taking notes on this interview, consider the following questions....

What were the causes of the Great Migration?

What types of experiences did people have in trying leave, and once they arrived in their new homes? How were they received by the people already living there?

How did this migration change America forever?

How did the stories of the individuals the author focus on help tell the story / help you understand this time period and what America was like at the time in the North and in the South?

Tuesday 11/26

DO NOW  <--- Click

PowerPoint on Women's Suffrage Background <---- Click

Readings on 4 women <---- Click

Homework Reading. <---- Click Please complete this survey < ----- Click during / after reading the article

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Monday 11/26

Watch this video for homework.

Answer these questions after (probably smart read the ahead of time and have the form open in another tab so you can switch back and forth as you watch. All answers in complete sentences please.
questions answered for HW credit

Honors Paper for LT3 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday 11/17

This Survey will be small piece of your LT grade, and will also count toward HOW2 & HOW3, so please respond thoughtfully.

Immigration Diary Project Survey

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday 11/16

Editing Checklist

Step 1: The Basics - Quick Checks

[ ] Are there 7 completed entries?
[ ] Is each one double-spaced, 12 point font, between 1/2 page and a full page?
[ ] Is each entry dated? Including the year?
[ ] Do they have their interview notes?

Step 2: Carefully read through their assignment

Step 3: More in depth (Add "comments" to their file with warm and cool feedback, suggestions for revision) 

Learning Target [I can analyze the experience of immigrants who moved to America and evaluate the success of their integration into American society]
[  ] Are the details from the interview incorporated effectively in the diary entries?
[  ] Based on their interview notes, what else do you think they could better incorporate into their writing?
[  ] Is there reflection on the immigrants feeling of "success" in the entries?
[  ] How might they better incorporate this aspect of the LT?
[  ] Are there examples or stories that reflect on how well they integrated into American society?
[  ] How might they better incorporate this aspect of the LT?
[  ] How many times do they reference immigration law or policy? Ideally, we should shoot for 3-4 laws or policies that your character is writing about / responding to?

  1. Kid or adult: You are responding to something you read in the news or saw on TV or heard someone talking about
  2. Kid: You are recounting a conversation you heard between your parent and another adult
  3. High schooler: You are responding to something you were learning about in your class.
  4. adult: You are recounting a conversation you had with someone at the store / club / mall / bar 
  5. You are writing about how a certain law or policy impacted someone you love or a neighbor.

[  ] What laws fall within your character's immigration timeline that might work as a possibility for them to reflect on?

Skills Target [I can produce clear and coherent writing]
[  ] Are there ANY points when you were reading that you had to stop or pause to think about what they meant? Identify these places and give a suggestion for how their writing could be revised to flow more smoothly
[  ] Identify any and all spelling, grammatical, or structural problems including but not limited to...
-run-on sentences
-sentence fragments
-spelling errors
-errors with capitalization
-errors with punctuation
-problems with word choice

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of 11/13

Today your first 4 entries were due for your diary project.

Wednesday entries 5-7 are due! Wednesday we will be having a class discussion on our experience with the interview and the assignment as a whole so far!

Friday entries 8-10 are due!

I'm really looking forward to seeing how these come out! It seems like interviews have been going really well and the covers are looking great!!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Veteran's Day Weekend

Thank a veteran this weekend and attend an event honoring them. Build your character.

Interview and covers MUST be done coming into class Monday. The 8 of you who said you needed help finding someone - please keep an eye on your e-mail. As soon as I hear from my contact at Springfield College I'll be sending you contact info for your interviewee!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday 11/8

Independent work day on diary covers

Interview due date extended to Monday.

If you know who you're interviewing or completed your interview already do THIS SURVEY
If you still don't know who you're interviewing complete THIS SURVEY

Image result for writing a diary

Monday, November 6, 2017

Marvelous Monday 11/6

Criteria for making a visually appealing and content-centered cover for your diary project...

[  ] colorful
[  ] well-organized
[  ] title (something along the lines of "immigration diary" "my immigration story" "notes on (character name)'s immigration)
[  ] include illustrations or printed images that connect to the content of your entries
[  ] well-chosen and appropriately sized lettering / font
[  ] your name, section, date, and learning target should be on the BACK cover
[  ] 8.5x11 folded - front cover/back cover
[  ] doesn't look too minimal or too cluttered
[  ] use of patterns could be a good option
[  ] leave 1/2 the space on the back cover for a brief reflection that we will add to that space once our entries are done

(option..... given the lack of progress over the weekend from about 90% of you, I am going to extend the following option forward. IF you are unwilling/unable to put in the efforts to find and interview someone yourself, you may use a minimum of 3 pre-recorded or written out interviews that were done by somebody else, and use that as the basis of your created character and your diary. If you choose this option, the best score you can receive is a 3)

I have reached out to staff and multiple people have reached out to their colleagues and friends who are willing to be interviewed. First come, first served. Send me an e-mail that you were unable to find someone on your own and I will get you in touch with someone.

Homework: Interview done by Wed. Cover due by Thursday.
If you don't have someone to interview yet complete this survey: google forms survey

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday / Friday

Thursday November 2 and Friday November 3 we continue to work on our notecatcher on Trump's immigration priorities.

I also announced the target major assessment.

The file that includes the instructions can be found here: Immigration Diary Project // Interview Tips

Click sad Drake for the Model Planning / Brainstorm that I wrote up in class to help with plotting out the topics of your individual entries. Other ideas that were written on the front board are HERE too.

Interview Interview Interview! This is due next Wednesday, the weekend is THE ideal time to get this done. If you haven’t already asked someone, you should do this TODAY so you can set up your interview and complete it before Wed.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday, November 1st

-->DO NOW<-- (after you submit this, download a copy of the notecatcher and open the file so you can catch your notes in it over the next few workdays)


1. Wall Prototypes:
2. Who is going to pay for it?
3. Border Wall will save money:

Travel Bans 
Travel Ban 1 & 2 Timeline
 3rd ban 
5. Sept 24
6. October 17
7. His wants as of October 8:
8. His Plan

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals a.k.a. DACA // Dreamers / Dream Act
9. Trump's Remarks & Annotation from SPLC:
10. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Remarks:
11. Checking Sessions' Remarks:

ICE & Sanctuary Cities
12. What Does Ice Do?
13. ICE Director interview
14. How Deportation Works:
15. Sanctuary City Map:
16. Sanctuary Cities, explained, anti-:
17. Sanctuary Cities, explained, pro:

Homework: Complete reading at least one full set of readings on one topic

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...