Thursday, October 31, 2019


Image result for halloween memes

Do Now

Choose A or B to read. Everyone should read C.

Executive Orders Explained & a Brief History'

Same content as above, but a bit easier to read & shorter

Trump Executive Orders on Immigration

Homework: Using classwork from today, and the readings above, complete a 1-page written response: “What is an executive order, how has President Trump used executive orders to implement his immigration goals, and what success or failure has he had in doing so?” It may make sense to write this in 3 short paragraphs. Upload to Unified Classroom. [LT2+ST3+HOW4] - Due Monday

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Coretta Scott King Letter on Jeff Sessions

Make sure you scroll down to the document (it's not just the one page - that's only the cover letter)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday! 10/25

If you finish writing early, please choose one of the following articles to read

Collected Stories - the two sites below interview Immigrants across the U.S. and ask about their personal experiences:

Long-form Articles - challenging articles, but are interesting if you have the time:
21 Savage's Citizenship Issues

Article about Prison-Deportation connections for African Americans

Modern Surveillance and Deportations

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ASE: Republicans Storm Briefing

Read & Respond in your journal (watch videos together after reading)
Written Response: Why did republicans do this? Why are people upset about it? What do you think?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday 10/20

Immigration Unit 2019

Student Choice Direction:

  1. Why is our immigration system broken? / How does immigration work? (50% interest)
  2. President Trump & Immigration, The Wall, ICE, Muslim Ban, detention centers (32% interest)
  3. Election 2020 & Immigration (25% interest)

On-Demand Assignment 
Roundtable or other Class Discussion (30%)

Scaffolded Assignment

Poster (46%)

Today and tomorrow we will be creating mini-posters that will together create a class timeline of immigration. These are the steps toward being successful in this assignment.

1) Spend some time reading about your assigned topic
2) Create a rough-sketch draft of what you'll draw and what you'll write
3) Create a polished final draft on a white 8.5x11 paper, portrait orientation

Requirements / Criteria for success

LT2: I can analyze the experience of immigrants who moved to America and evaluate the success of their integration into American society.

In a single paragraph,
1) explain the topic.
2) How did this topic shift or change immigration in America? (could include laws, perception of immigrants, and/or the experience of immigrants)

ST2 I can clearly convey ideas and information through effective organization
Paragraph is well-structured, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

ST3 I can write using proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence fluency, and vocabulary.

If you forget your topic, they're here: CLICK
If you want to start by reading your timeline again, it's here.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday 10/18

Timeline for Today

Notecatcher (paper copy given in class)


Homework: Complete classwork if not done during class.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit Planning Collaboration

Homework: Please complete the target survey (click here and cast your vote)

Collaborative Unit Planning Provisioning: You will likely want to have at least 1-2 computers at the ready to do some very preliminary research into the ideas you think you want to focus on. Everyone should have their notebooks out for note-taking. TASK Work together to write a PROPOSAL that you will share with the class.
The proposal should include the following
1) What specific topics we should focus on AND WHY (try and be specific as you can, given the time you have right now). Also, remember, we only have 26 class periods.
2) What assessments / projects / tests / writing assignments should we have?

Major focuses of the unit (predictions)

  • How policies look different throughout history
  • Different “waves” of immigrants, bro
  • Isle de ellis
  • Struggles / experiences of immigrants
  • American citizen’s reactions to mass imigration
  • LAWS in place (maybe in different countries?)
  • Ways immigrants have to adapt
  • Impact on the economy
  • Looking solely at ‘merica
  • El Presidente / our policy now
  • “Push factors”
  • Stereotypes (xenophobia & nativism)
  • Shifting ideas of “whiteness”
  • Trump (Wall, “illegals,” Muslim Ban, “border crisis” etc.)
  • How does immigrations work, now? 
  • Why is it considered to be broken?
  • Indigenous Peoples (10,000 years ago OR starting at 1492)
  • Colonization
  • Undocumented immigration

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday 10/16 
  • Choose 1 democratic candidate for president
  • Create a Venn diagram comparing their immigration platform with pres. Trump's
(you can use their websites to find info)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday 10/15

During today's class we will....


use think/write/pair/share to consider and engage in conversations about our previous LT and about indigenous peoples' day / columbus day.

Make predictions and begin to analyze our new learning target
LT2: I can analyze the experience of immigrants who moved to American and evaluate the success of their integration into American society

Debrief Questionnaire 

Friday, October 11, 2019


Image result for friday meme

Today we will upload our essays to powerschool!
and then we will do a LT reflection!
and then we'll upload that to powerschool!
and then we'll have a class discussion!
and then it's a long weekend!
you have a brief homework about Columbus day! (first 3-ish pages - hard copy given in class)
We'll talk about it in Tuesday!

Reflection Questions (type in word or docs and then upload via powerschool)

  • This reflection is YOUR CHANCE to argue your case on whether you exceeded, met, or approached meeting
  • Q1: Explain your rubric self-evaluation. Why did you give yourself the score you did? Please only focus on LT1 and the criteria for success.
  • Q2: Explain, with evidence from your grades (paper self-evaluation, grade on exam, + Recon Maps & comic compromise assignments) what score you should receive on this target, overall.
  • Q3: Explain exactly what the PROCESS of reconstruction is
  • Q4: Explain what the short-term and long-term outcomes were (the EFFECT) of Reconstruction

HOMEWORK: If you didn't finish the reflection, please complete and submit. Read Columbus reading and be prepared to discuss on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Make sure you have your paper completed for tomorrow. We will upload at the beginning of class.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wonderful Wednesdays ten nine

Do Now Survey - CLICK

Today's class will be focused around completing our papers and getting feedback. This will be the final in-class day.

Exam tomorrow. Paper due Friday

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Posters from today--
1) What is a 'political platform?'  What were political platforms of Southern Democrats and Radical Republicans?

2) What were Redeemer governments?

3) What were Black Codes and how did they affect Reconstruction?

4) Who was John Wilkes Booth?  How and why did he kill Abe Lincoln?

5) What were Carpetbaggers and Scalawags?  What were their roles in Reconstruction?

Tuesday 10/8 - Exam Review Day

Remember, your exam is on THURSDAY
Your final draft of your essay is due FRIDAY

Today will be devoted to reviewing for our exam in small groups.

These were the top 5 topics from the survey yesterday, and will be the focus of our review today:

  1. What is a political platform? [radical republicans] [southern democrats]
  2. What were Black Codes (link reading up to "Congressional Reconstruction") and how did they impact Freedmen?
  3. Who was John Wilkes Booth?  How and why did he kill Abraham Lincoln?
  4. What were Carpetbaggers and Scalawags?  What were their roles in Reconstruction?
Your task today will be as follows....
1) Review together the link or links provided about your topic
2) Using the chart paper and markers, chart out the most
important aspects of your topic and prepare to share that
information with your classmates.
3) Select a recorder (writes out the poster), the reporter
(will present your findings to classmates in small groups),
and researchers (people who will be focused on the text and
will take the notes that will be the focus of the poster)
4) During our guided gallery walk, the reporter will talk to each
group about your topic, while the rest of you rotate from station
to station and fill in your notecatcher

HOMEWORK: On the back, write one multiple choice question,
with ABCD options for each of the topics.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday 10/7

(Choose 5 topics from the study guide that you want to review as a class tomorrow)

Friday, October 4, 2019

It's Friday

Do Now

Today we continue our work on updating our drafts of our paper

Homework: Please bring updated draft to class on Monday. Please begin reviewing for your exam (at least 30 min)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday 10/3 Draft Feedback

Directions / Steps for Revision Today <-- You will receive a hard copy of this in class

Your job today is to work on giving one another feedback on your paper using the document above. After each round, please find another partner and continue with the next step on the directions.

Each round should be spent with a different classmate. Please give feedback that is

You will need to open these documents to complete the later rounds:

Honors Rubric & Criteria for Success

CP Rubric & Criteria for Success

With 10 minutes left in class...
Debrief: Please Click Here

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...