Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Live today!

NPR Social Distancing Q & A
NPR just put out a Q&A style article to help guide you and your families in being responsible and helping to prevent the spread of the virus. Be educated and help spread the word to your family members.

This resource is directly from the Center for Disease Control aka the CDC that has recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting. The page also has a link with approved cleaning products that can kill the virus. A little light reading for you

If you plan on joining the book club, download this app so we can do the video conferencing starting tomorrow.

Please fill this out (5 min or less) so I know who is going to be joining up for this.

Color of Law
This is a pdf / e-book version. Please read the preface & chapter one before our 11am video chat tomorrow!

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...