Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Patrick's Day.

Breakfast & Lunch Pick-Ups Info

District work-from-home recommendations for students 

History Links referenced in video
Slides on "Color of Law"

Color of Law PDF (save a copy of this asap)

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America - Terry Gross of NPR Interviews Richard Rothstein

ELA update from Ms. White-Mink

Honors/CP: Continue to work on your social identity narrative. I am extending the final essay deadline to 3/29/2020. Upload your drafts to Unified Classroom by 3/20/2020  at 11: 59 pm for feedback. Be sure to upload it to the file that says “Rough Draft Narrative Essay.”

In addition to working on your social identity narratives, I’ve assigned some SAT prep lessons via Khan Academy. If for some reason you are not added to my Khan Academy classroom, please use the codes below to get yourself situated.

11.1 Code- 926KCRAT

11.3 Code- DGWSNVWA

11.4 code- ZRP5XEYK

Due Date for the SAT videos:  4/10 by 11:59 pm

Try not to wait until the last minute to complete them. There are quite a view videos and/or articles. When you read the articles, make sure you follow the instructions. For example, the online SAT practice article tells you to actually TAKE the practice exam. Follow the instructions carefully. 

AP: Great Gatsby color imagery analyses are due tonight (3/16/2020) by 11:59pm. Please upload your essays to Unified Classroom.

Work on Synthesis Essay- Upload your draft to Unified Classroom under “Rough Draft Synthesis Essay.” Be sure to copy and paste your introductory paragraph into this document. Your entire rough draft should be uploaded by March 25th 2020 at 11:59 pm. Please review the attached document for guidelines on what to include in your essay. Before you write, make sure you have identified the relationships or the “conversations” between the sources.

Current Events Friday: Please continue to work on this. While you do not need to email them to me (cause that would be entirely too much and I have no way to print them), you are going to want to remain on track. For those who have emailed me their articles for current event three, I will print them upon our return to school.

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...