Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday 5/31

Thursday 5/31

Do Now click HERE and answer the 3 questions to the best of your ability

Video from Class

Share your Takes here

 Homework: Read & respond (1/2-1 page total - write on both together. Can include both summary and personal responses / reactions / opinion)
Reading #1
Reading #2

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday 5/30

Final Exam Review Guide Part II was handed out in class today.
A copy of your Semester 2 LT1 Exam was also passed out (Greatest Generation Target)

The top votes in our survey from the last review day were these topics below. I've included links to documents and explanations to help you remember these topics.

Lincoln's 10% Plan

Jim Crow Laws (see slides 11-20)

Black Codes

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (see page 4)

BRACERO (see page 3)

Prohibition (see slides 4-10)

Women's Suffrage

  1. Independently read the provided links (taking notes will help you remember)
  2. Taking the LT1 Exam & checking your answers with the key below
  3. Work with a partner or in groups of 3 and quiz each other using the study guide (either Part I or Part II)

Greatest Generation Exam Key

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday 5/24

Homework Reading <--

ISSUES <-- As defined by NOW (The National Organization of Women) [link to be used during classwork]

Independently or in groups in 2 or 3, you'll be creating a poster during classtime on Thursday, Friday, & Tuesday to be shared out in class on next week. Use a posterboard or I have chart paper available if you can't get a posterboard.

4 - Meets all criteria
3 - Some problems with 2-3 of the criterias
2 - Substantial problems with multiple criteria items
1 - nah, bruh
Image result for bruh

Subtarget: I can explore the priorities of the contemporary women's movement

Criteria for Poster
Obvious things
  • ·         Must include title & group members’ names
  • ·         Should be visually appealing and include pertinent information on the topic
  • ·         Should use multiple sources (may use additional sources in addition to NOW site)
  • ·         On a poster board OR chart paper
  •        Includes WORKS CITED page

Maybe less obvious but important things
  • ·         Should include an overview of the topic
  • ·         Should be well organized / structured
  • ·         Should include progress made on this topic
  •        Should include WHY this should matter - arguments and explanation of reasons why        this topic is important
  • ·         Should make a connection to the historic women’s movement and examine how the movement has progressed (or not) in the last 40+ years
  • ·         Should include at least 3 quotations that strengthen the poster design
  • ·         Should include relevant images or illustrations
  • ·         Should identify potential threats or opposition to this priority (address counter-arguments)
  • ·         Equitable division of labor (reading & creating)
  • ·         Productive use of class time
Reproductive Rights & Justice
- Janell & Marc / Kailey & Cheyenne / Nate & Marcus
11.2 Naysi & Seaneienceiceicecece & Andru/Daniel/Rebecca)
11.4 Thea, Gabby, Ruth / Tamia
Economic Justice
- Riley & Delbert / Michaela & Desiree
Leo, Daniel L

Ending Violence Against Women
11.4 Daniel V, Roderick, Eddie
- Tiana & Deshaun // Liz, Del, Dej & Makayla & Lexie
11.2 Cervante, Josh, Christian /
Racial Justice
- Jay & James & Steven // Bridget - Vincent
11.2 Mark Isaiah Ian, Joseph & Yaz, Destiny, Will
11.4 Michael
 - Hodges & DWil // Mahrosha & Cora /
11.2 Ernie, Nathan, Jaylene
11.4 Steven Raven
Constitutional Equality,
Adam, Nick, Barrett - Haley, Ijah, Tsenu
11.2 John & Phillp Khassad
11.4 Cheyenne Anthony

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday 5/22

Do Now:

Twitter is blocked, so use these screen shots to complete your Do Now.:

If you'd prefer to use a digital notecatcher for today's work, you can download this


Gloria Steinem -
1) After Black Power, Women's Liberation!
2) Women & Power


Tuesday, 5/22

Review Guide

Review Survey

Tuesdays we will be reviewing for our final exam every week. Your exam is 10% of your overall grade for each of your courses, so in many courses it is as heavily weighted as an entire learning target. Take it seriously!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday 5/18

Stay safe in all your prom celebrations tonight!

This weekend.....

Work on your Feminine Mystique Project. Remember, you will have class on Monday to finalize your revisions, but it is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, when you will also receive your final exam review guide!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday 5/17

Do Now Survey <-- CLICK

This document <-- can be used by students College Prep sections to help in writing their paper.

Honors - feel free to look at this document, but remember that you have additional requirements..
·         Explains the quote and document in the context of the women’s movement as a whole (connecting to Lerner, hooks, feminism, patriarchy, the movement as described in MAKERS)

·         Should pull at least 3 quotes from hooks and Lerner in making these connections

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday 5/15

Watch Makers Part III (above) and complete ---> notecatcher <--- by Friday 5/18's class.
Tuesday Night: Complete a 1st draft of poster
Wednesday Night: Open Work Time
Thursday Night: Complete a first draft of your written piece by tomorrow
Weekend: Complete Project by Tuesday

The Feminine Mystique Mini-Poster Project <--- Assignment Info
The Problem That Has No Name <--- Chapter 1 text

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday 5/11

Notes Guide for Part II (file)

The Feminine Mystique Chapter 1: The Problem That Has No Name by Betty Friedan (file)

Class today we'll be watching the first half of MAKERS Part II, and then we'll spend the second half of the class beginning our read of the first chapter of Friedan's Feminine Mystique.

Click here to answer the two debrief questions (survey)

Homework: Complete viewing of MAKERS Part II & Read & annotate Chapter 1 of the Feminine Mystique

Friday 5/11

DLT. I can continue my examination of key issues of the women’s movement
Do Now:  Preview the Friedan text (read the first page or two – make one prediction about the rest of the text – write this on the cover page) “My Prediction is….”
Makers / Feminine Mystique
End-of-Week take-aways – survey on blog
Homework: Complete viewing / notes of MAKERS Part II & Read & annotate Chapter 1 of the Feminine Mystique
CT:  responsibility
HOW: 1

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday 5/9

We're going to postpone our conversation around hooks & lerner to tomorrow.
This video is the full period, please take notes as you watch around the following guiding questions:

1) What challenges / issues were women facing? (think Patriarchy!)
2) What specific events or situations provide the best examples of the video's overall story?
3) What did women want to change about society and about their own lives? In what ways were they successful or unsuccessful?
4) How did the ideas of the movement spread and what brought women into the movement?
5) What types of reactions did people have to the movement? Women? Men? The News Media?

Homework: Finish Lerner reading & annotations. Complete this brief survey <-- CLICK

Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday 5/7


LT3 I can explain the goals and tactics of the women’s movement of the 1960s & 1970s 

Do Now:

Click HERE for the Survey!

[today's powerpoint here]

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thursday 5/3/2018

I'm not here today. Each class has a little bit of a different assignment so make sure you read the right piece for your class.

11.5 & 11.6 

When we first started our Civil Rights unit, I asked you to complete a writing assignment telling "The Story of the Civil Rights Era" based on your background knowledge only. Many of you found this task frustrated you as it highlighted a lack of knowledge about the period of history. Today you have your chance to show yourself how much your understanding of this period has advanced. The task is to be completed without any support outside of the information you hold in your brain. Please, no talking and do your best - this will count as a grade for Learning Target 2.

For 11.5, once you complete the task, please grab the boards and finish them - these are going to be collected at the end of the day - the fate of our class is in your hands so please finish strong!!

For 11.6, in small groups, please take some time to recap the stories you found when completing your homework. Consider the following questions: How does this story exhibit PROGRESS or LACK OF PROGRESS since the time period we study over these last several weeks? What are your personal reactions to your article? What connections can you make between the articles? Each group should collaborate on a brief (1/2 page or so) summary to recap the discussion you had. Please submit to inbox.

11.2 & 11.4

Please begin by logging in to powerschool. Please note well, the overall grade in the course has not been updated since last grade reports, but assignments have and should be up to date with everything aside from your biography projects. In your two classes, I've noticed, whether due to absence or otherwise, that MANY of you are missing assignments. Today is your "free pass" day to revise or complete assignments from this target that you may have missed. Please do not take this opportunity for granted. The following assignments from this target are the ones you should be making sure are done, and doing your best to remedy the situation if they aren't done.

1) Register to Vote Letter
2) On-Demand Biography Assignment (can be done on paper or typed if no hard copies of the assignment sheet are available - please check with classmates to see prompt)
3) Baldwin Interview notes - video on blog (chart can also be done on paper)
4) Post-Write (documents up front, from Tuesday!)

Wednesday 5/2

Homework: Find one news story from the past month related to Cvil Rights. Write a one-paragraph summary and be ready to discuss next class

As we wrap up this target - make sure you check to see that you completed all graded assessments. Final grades haven't been calculated, as I'm still working on the biography projects.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tuesday May Day May Day

Target Timeline
1) Took a survey around our own beliefs about race, racism & current issues relating to race
2) We wrote an on-demand writing about “The Story of Civil Rights” to bring out our background knowledge
3) We looked at school race demographics today in our area
4) We looked at different areas in the US as case studies on segregation around the country
5) We worked on studying Dr. Beverly Tatum’s definition of racism, compared to our own understandings of it
6) Looked at defining what exactly CIVIL RIGHTS are
7) We watched a film from the 1960s about the “Southern Way of Life” and had a look at what types of attitudes people had about African-Americans during that period.
8) We listened to an NPR podcast about REDLINING and how the government forcibly segregated white and black people by determining where they should live.
9) Watched “A Time for Justice” documentary which gave an overview of the major actions of the Civil Rights movement
10)                   We looked a series of documents to help build up our understanding of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
11)                   We then used all of this information to write a letter to a prospective voter, encouraging them to register and vote
12)                   Mr. Galanis’ student teacher Shyanne, helped us look into the role of music and protest songs during the Civil Rights Era and also today
13)                   At this point we started a biographical research project – looking into key individuals who had a major impact during the Civil Rights Movement
14)                   We then looked into the Black Lives Matter movement. We watched a couple of short video clips and then investigated how left-leaning, and right-leaning news sources depicted and wrote about the movement, looking at bias, and talking about what implications that can have on the consumers of news media.
15)                   Next we watched two different documentaries about the Black Panther Party, and why some people remember them in a criminal light, while other celebrate their legacy today.
16)                   During this time a lot of our days were devoted to doing our research and responding to the research questions.
17)                   We then used a video interview with James Baldwin from 1963 to help us bring everything together and reflect back on the different ideologies and leaders during the Civil Rights movement, as well as coming back to the core ideas of America facing it’s racist past and doing something to address the injustice laid upon African-Americans.

Learning Targer 2: I can examine the fight for justice and changes brought about in the Civil Rights era of the mid-20th Century

Independent Work Options
A)A Statement explaining which part of the mission statement this project exemplifies and WHY (biography project) (5-8 sentences)
B)A project description (some background, and then an explanation of exactly what the project was, and why we did it) (5-8 sentences)
-Type it, share it with me
Homework: If you don’t finish your piece in class, complete tonight for HW

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...