Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday 3/27

Sources help posted yesterday! Whole assignment sheet posted Monday! (scroll down)


HW: CP - have at least 4 question pages completed
H - have all of your notetaking packet completed

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday 3/26

As Ms. Manderville & Mr. Galanis work through the topics, we'll post helpful sources into this document!


HW: Finalize 5 sources (this can include your three from yesterday's HW)
Complete 3 question pages (three out of who/what/where/when/why) ***keep in mind - you may not fill all the boxes for each page***

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday 3/22


  1. Read an excerpt from James Baldwin’s “Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter from Harlem.”
  2. What is the origin of the document?
  3. Summarize the document in a few sentences starting with: “This article is about…”
  4. Based on the excerpt, what is Baldwin’s purpose in writing this letter?
  5. What is your reaction to Baldwin’s words?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday 3/21

Documents for class today:

Graphs & Data

Data: (outside of your shape)

  • What trends are we seeing?
  • Why are we seeing these trends? What caused them
  • What was likely happening as this went on?
  • Put three notice & wonders on the first layer of your circle

Newspaper Articles


  1. Read your the article
  2. Identify origin / author and consider bias
  3. On chart: “ ____________ article is about….” gist statement
  4. Two bullets below of most important ideas or most surprising things you noticed

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday 3/20

Western Mass Schools Racial Demographic Data

Today's film: The Boston Bussing Crisis 1974-1975

Debrief Reflection

Homework: Consider the title of our expedition: “Integration? Using stories to confront racism
in modern America.” Choose one of the following words and write at least ½ page explaining
out content so far as it relates to that specific term. Integration, Stories, Confront, Racism

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday 3/19

DLT: I can identify structures across the United States that contributed to the racial disparities facing our country today
Do Now: In partners, jot down into your notebook what you can remember from the NPR interview with Richard Rothstein from Thursday.
Apply:  Notes / Questions
Debrief: Wonders. Questions. Reactions,
Homework: Please watch THIS VIDEO Respond in at least ½ page to the following question: What does Rothstein identify as a myth that most Americans believe? What does he see as being the reality and what challenges does this reality highlight? How can America de-segregate and correct the wrongs of the past?

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Monday 3/18

DLT: I can identify structures in the segregated south that impacted the experiences
of African Americans.
Do Now: In your notebook, please write down a list of the MOST important terms
you believe that were brought up in Thursday’s kick-off. If anyone did not turn in
their packet at the end of the day, please put your packet into the inbox now.
Mini-Lesson Prior Knowledge - cold-call asks & charting out. Time for definitions.
Segregation Powerpoint
Apply Firsthand accounts of people who lived in the segregated South. Partners or solo.

  • Each partner read it aloud to the other.
  • Decide which 3 sentences have the most impact / best tell the story
  • Group share-out. Charting out parallels between the stories and identifying STRUCTURES within the south that dictated these people’s individual experiences
Debrief Both of our guiding questions have connections to our work we did today, which
do you think has the strongest connection and why?
Homework 1/2pg - 1pg. Look back through the narratives on the page from today’s class. Find examples from the texts that you believe may give evidence of structural racism in our country, and infer how that may have a lingering impact in the present.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Don't Forget!!!

Projects Due Monday!!!!

If anyone wants to look back at any of our info from Thursday, here are the links to the main content of each block

Terry Gross on NPR Interviews Richard Rothstein on "The Color of Law"
The Southern Way of Life
Defining Racism

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday 3/13

Do Now

Assignment linked yesterday, as well as citations help. Guiding questions for moving from research to the final product are before that.

***Please read ‘Defining Racism’ (<-- Link, in case you didn't get a hard copy) article at least two to three times. Identify three parts you want to bring up tomorrow (for any reason - question, emphasis, agree, disagree, etc.)***


Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday 3/11

Do Now

Today try to be focusing on Step 3 - Analyze.


  • What is this information telling me?
  • Does this answer a question from the prompt?
  • What is this quote telling me about their ideas/beliefs/demeanor?
  • How does this information build the picture of who this person was?
  • What is each source giving you that adds to the goal of your project? → What is the main thing you are trying to say about your person/their impact?
  • What evidence may not be useful? Interesting, but not pertinent, confusing, unnecessary, etc.
  • What information tells us about their life / their civil rights movement involvement / their beliefs (a,b,c, from the assignment page)?
  • How can you represent some of this information/ideas/beliefs if you’re using a more creative format?
  • Does it make more sense to tell an overall progression/timeline of their life, or to focus on ideals and go from there?
  • Depending on the format of your final product, what goes where?

Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday 3/8


Reliable Source Reminders:
Which sources would we not want to see you using?
Britannica,, Wikipedia - however these can be OK for introductory info
Examples of good sources:
Almost anything ending in .gov, .org, or .edu, NYTimes, Washington Post, NPR, scholarly articles, etc.

Databases you might want to check out for primary sources:

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thursday 3/7

Do Now Feedback Form

Reliable Source Reminders:
Which sources would we not want to see you using?
Britannica,, Wikipedia - however these can be OK for introductory info
Examples of good sources:
Almost anything ending in .gov, .org, or .edu, NYTimes, Washington Post, NPR, scholarly articles, etc.

Databases you might want to check out for primary sources:

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday 3/5/2019

---> Do Now <---

Inner Circle
  1. Person A shares a brief overview of their topic, and identifies one specific opinion that they have concluded from the reading (talking point)
  2. Other people in the group can join in / respond
“I agree with you, and relevant point from my readings is…”
“I disagree with you because in my readings I read that….”
Ask clarifying questions
Ask probing & specific questions
      3) Once the topic seems to have reached conclusion and everyone who wants to chime  
           in has had an opportunity to, another person can bring up their own topic & point
           to refocus the discussion

Potential Questions to help shape your opinions / conclusions
  • What drew you to your topic?
  • What parallels did you find?
  • What were some major differences between your historical event & current event?
  • Did this research/writing make you think of any other related events, movements, or historical trends?
  • Did this assignment leave you with any burning questions?
  • How did you see media affecting the public opinion of the event and the movement it was a part of?
  • Were these events beneficial to the movement? How so or why not?
  • How did the event shape the movement?
  • Would the results of your events be different had they happened either back then or today (vice versa of their actual occurrence)
  • Did this research provide you with any new knowledge you’d like to explore further?

Outer Circle
a) Ideas you AGREE with
b) Ideas you DISAGREE with

c) Questions you have

Topics to review for tomorrow's quiz:

  • Plessy v Ferguson
  • Brown v Board
  • Murder of Emmett Till
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Freedom Rides
  • Little Rock Nine
  • March from Selma to Montgomery
  • Voting registration & Voting Rights Act
  • Sit-ins

Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday 2/28

Agenda & Instructions

HOW Focus = 2 CC Focus = Responsibility

D.LT: I can evaluate the relation between modern
and historic events relating to aspects of the Civil
Rights Movement.

Do Now: Click HERE to type & submit response   (5 minutes)

Steps for today’s class
1. Select one of the topics from yesterday’s
documentary (See list below). You are welcome
to read the given piece of text summarizing the
historic event. (2-5 minute)
2. Read the recent articles linked below the
topics with and take notes to help you be able
to thoroughly answer the following specific
questions and focuses: (up to 45 minutes)
    • What exactly is the historical event being focused on? (this will eventually be your first paragraph)
    • What is the connection being made to modern America?
    • Do you think this is a valid parallel? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning. (These two bullets will become your second paragraph)

    • Based on your reading on both topics, in what ways do you see our country as having moved forward on these issues, and in what ways do you think our country may still have work to do around the issues raised in this topic? (This will be your final, hopefully substantial and thoughtful paragraph

3. If you are able to complete all of this you can begin crafting your actual paragraphs, which will be your homework due Monday (or Tuesday if we wind up having a snow day)

Debrief: (last 5 minutes) Complete TTL Reflection:
Describe all progress you made during today’s class
and what your plan is for next steps for the weekend.
(to inbox) HOW2 Self-assessment (response will be
evaluated and scored, counting toward HOW 3)
Homework: Complete 3-paragraph assignment
H (optional): Interesting Study

Monday 4/6

Current assignments will now be posted HERE for all classes  (NEW LINK) All courses will be tracking assignment completion as either "...